
Treating Your Heel Pain

Treating Your Heel Pain

Your heel pain has gotten out of control. Your foot is swollen, and just putting it on the floor in the morning hurts. Likely, your discomfort is heel painplantar fasciitis, and your podiatrist, Dr. Peter Siroka, can help with innovative treatments that relieve heel pain in Stamford, CT. Learn here about heel pain and what you can do to keep moving.

Why your heel hurts

Plantar fasciitis affects the connective tissue that extends from your heel bone (calcaneus), across the bottom of your foot and to the base of your toes (metatarsal bones). Repetitive motion, obesity, poorly supporting footwear and just being on your feet too long can cause this inflammatory condition. Additionally, people who overpronate, or roll their feet inwards as they walk or run, develop heel pain.

Often co-existing with plantar fasciitis is a small projection called a heel spur. Growing off the front of the heel bone, a spur compounds the discomfort and inflammation of plantar fasciitis.

What to do

See your foot doctor in Stamford if you have persistent heel pain. Dr. Siroka will examine your foot and take X-rays and other imaging as needed. If he feels that plantar fasciitis is behind your discomfort, he may suggest:

  • Over the counter pain medication
  • Cortisone injections
  • Customized shoe orthotics
  • Simple rest
  • Better fitting and more supportive footwear
  • Stretching before a gym workout or running

For more severe and persistent cases, Dr. Siroka offers two innovative treatments which alleviate heel pain comfortably, with limited downtime and without surgery. One is PRP Therapy, or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, in which the patient's own blood platelets are injected into the painful area. Platelets stimulate growth factors which boost the body's ability to heal and increase metabolisn and blood flow.

Another treatment is Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology or EPAT. Cleared by the FDA, EPAT sends measured acoustic waves into the tendon, muscle or other affected area. While it requires some mild anesthesia, this heel pain treatment works effectively and quickly. The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society says that this therapy also helps Achilles Tendonitis, a common malady affecting the ankle and heel.

Do you have heel pain?

Get it evaluated and treated by one of Connecticut Magazine's Top Docs, Dr. Siroka. His 35 years of podiatric expertise will get you the relief you deserve. Call today for an appointment in Stamford, CT: (203) 614-8185.