
Treatment Options For Bunions

Treatment Options For Bunions

While many people think that bunions are just pesky bumps on the side-bottom portion of their big toe, they can be really serious since they change the affected toe’s anatomy, and in turn, the whole foot. Bunions develop over time, and what starts out as a big toe pointing directly towards the adjacent toe will gradually end up permanently altering the alignment affected foot’s bones.

This is why prompt diagnosis and treatment from your foot doctor, Dr. Peter Siroka of Peter Y. Siroka, DPM in Stamford, CT and serving Fairfield County, is critical to prevent your bunion’s progression.

Why You Have a Bunion

Bunions could be genetic or caused by constant and prolonged wearing of ill-fitting and unsupportive footwear. They likewise worsen when wearing footwear that is too small, fit improperly, and too tight. In some cases, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases could also result in bunions.

How a Bunion Feels Like

Most individuals don’t feel bunion symptoms during the early stages of its development. As the bunion grows, however, they may feel these telltale symptoms:

  • Physical pain or discomfort in the affected toe
  • Swelling, redness, and/or a burning sensation in the area
  • Walking difficulties
  • Possible numbness in the affected toe

Non-Surgical and Conservative Bunion Treatment Options

  • Wear properly-fitted footwear with sufficient toe space.
  • Have your footwear stretched professionally to provide room for the toes.
  • Cushion the bunion with pads to minimize pain.
  • Avoid things that lead to pain, including standing too long.
  • Wear customized orthotic devices as recommended by your foot doctor in Stamford, CT.

Surgical Bunion Treatment

Your podiatrist might recommend surgical intervention if after trying all the recommended non-surgical methods, you still feel pain and are having issues with walking. The specific type of bunion surgery you’ll need to undergo will be based on your age, the extent of deformity, your activity level, and overall health.

Bunion surgery is used for correcting the big toe’s anatomical position. It entails putting back the bones, nerves, tendons, and ligaments in their proper positions, and the removal of the bunion. It’s usually an outpatient procedure, and the recovery time would vary based on the procedures performed on the bunion.

Ready to Get Much-Needed Relief From Your Bunion? We Can Help

Arrange an evaluation with your foot doctor here at Peter Y. Siroka, DPM in Stamford, CT and serving Fairfield County, Dr. Peter Siroka, by dialing (203) 614-8185.