
Types of Custom Orthotics Available

Types of Custom Orthotics Available

Do you suffer from foot, ankle, leg or back pain? Custom orthotics provided by your Stamford, CT, podiatrist, Dr. Peter Siroka, may offer the solution to your problem.

What are orthotics?

Your feet must be perfectly aligned and balanced to properly support the weight of your body. Even minor issues can affect foot balance, alignment and stability and lead to foot, leg or back pain. Your arches might be too high or too low, your feet may turn in or out when you walk, or you may have a foot injury or deformity. Your orthotics are custom-designed for your feet and your specific foot condition.

Orthotics don't just offer arch support, although that's certainly an important function. The prescription shoe inserts also keep your feet properly aligned, prevent excessive foot motion and absorb shock. Thanks to the cushioning effect they offer, orthotics can reduce the risk of sores and blisters if you have diabetes or help you avoid common running injuries like shin splints, runner's knee and tendonitis.

What types of orthotics are available?

During your visit to the Stamford podiatry office, your foot doctor may recommend one of these orthotic types:

  • Rigid Orthotics: These full-length inserts are made of rigid plastic or carbon. They can be helpful if you have leg pain, flat feet, back pain, different leg legs, an abnormal gait, or if you overpronate (turn your feet in when you walk.)
  • Semi-Rigid Orthotics: Semi-rigid orthotics also extend from your heels to your toes, but consist of a layer of softer materials over a rigid core. The orthotics provide a little cushioning and also help control balance and foot movement. They may be recommended if your child's toes turn in or out, or you have foot pain. Semi-rigid orthotics are a good choice for athletes too.
  • Soft Orthotics: Made of softer, more flexible materials than the other full-length orthotics, soft orthotics absorb shock, reduce pressure on the feet and offer ample cushioning. Soft orthotics may be a good option for you if you have diabetes, arthritis, bunions or hammertoes.
  • Heel Cups: Heel cups fit in the heel area of your shoes and offer extra cushioning that can reduce the pain of Achilles tendonitis, thinning fats pads under the heels, plantar fasciitis or heel spurs.

Orthotics offer a simple solution to pain and discomfort. Call your podiatrist in Stamford, CT, Dr. Siroka, at (203) 614-8185 to schedule your appointment.