
Could Your Heel Pain be Plantar Fasciitis?

Could Your Heel Pain be Plantar Fasciitis?

Don’t let heel pain get the better of you—come to our Stamford office for help!

Plantar Fasciitis Foot PainAre you noticing a sudden, stabbing pain in the bottom of your heel? If so, then you may be dealing with a condition known as plantar fasciitis. Often an acute issue, this foot problem leads to inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick tissue that runs from the toes to the heel bone. Read below to learn more about plantar fasciitis and when you should turn to an expert such as Stamford, CT, podiatrist, Dr. Peter Siroka, to treat your heel pain.

Signs of Plantar Fasciitis

Even though heel pain is the most common symptom associated with plantar fasciitis, there are many things that can cause heel pain, which may leave you wondering how to differentiate your symptoms. Those with plantar fasciitis may notice that their pain comes about gradually over the course of a day or more. Usually, if you go for your run or move around, you may notice a slight pain that eventually gets worse later on.

Here are some characteristics of plantar fasciitis,

  • Stabbing, sharp heel pain
  • Pain that radiates to the arches of the foot
  • Pain after physical activity
  • Stiffness and tenderness in the heel
  • Pain after resting


Those with plantar fasciitis may limp to try and reduce the amount of pressure they are putting on their heels while moving around. While most people will only develop plantar fasciitis in one foot, it is possible to develop this problem in both feet. If you are dealing with any of these symptoms, you may want to point the finger at plantar fasciitis.

How is plantar fasciitis treated?

This condition will usually go away on its own, so the most important thing is to manage your symptoms to reduce recovery time. Usually, simple home care is all that’s needed to help your foot heal. It’s important to rest and avoid any strenuous activities such as running, which can slow healing and make pain worse. Other ways to ease symptoms include,

  • Stretching your feet to prevent the plantar fascia from tightening up
  • Wearing supportive shoes that cushion your arches
  • Wearing shoe inserts or arch supports to provide additional support
  • Icing your feet up to 15 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day

If the pain is severe, a night splint may be recommended to help stretch out the fascia while you sleep to reduce pain and stiffness. If home treatment isn’t working for you, it's important to seek medical attention.

Give Us a Call!

If you are looking for a foot care specialist in Stamford, CT, to help treat your heel pain, it’s time to call Dr. Siroka at (203) 614-8185 to schedule an evaluation. We offer a full range of podiatric services that cater to everything from diabetic foot problems to bunions and pain. Call us today to learn more!