
Do I Need Orthotics?

Do I Need Orthotics?

Think there's nothing you can do about your aching feet? Orthotics, shoe inserts custom-designed by a podiatrist, can help relieve your orthoticspainful symptoms. Dr. Peter Siroka, your Stamford, CT, podiatrist, explains how you can benefit from orthotics.

What are orthotics?

Orthotics fit inside your shoes and are designed to support your feet and address structural problems and weaknesses. Although over-the-counter shoe inserts can help if your feet hurt, they often don't offer enough support to be effective. In some cases, drugstore products can actually worsen your problem.

Orthotics don't just support your arches but also ensure that your feet are positioned correctly in your shoes. Correct foot position is the key to aligning your foot and ankle and improving the stability of your joints. In fact, pain in your hip, knee or back may actually occur due to problems with your feet.

Too much pressure on the feet can worsen the symptoms of several conditions or diseases, such as plantar fasciitis, diabetic ulcers or tarsal tunnel syndrome. Orthotics reduce pressure by realigning and repositioning your feet.

Are orthotics right for me?

Orthotics may be a good choice if you have:

  • Frequent foot, ankle, knee, hip or back pain
  • Flat feet
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Bursitis
  • Heel pain
  • Diabetic ulcers
  • Arthritis
  • Tendinitis
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Bunions
  • A previous leg or foot injury
  • A structural issue or imbalance in your foot

Orthotics are also recommended for people who spend hours on their feet every day or who participate in high-impact sports.

How do I get orthotics from my Stamford podiatrist?

Orthotics are available from your foot doctor. Before prescribing them, he will examine your foot and ask you to walk or run across the room to observe if there are any problems with your gait. If your podiatrist feels that you can benefit from orthotics, he'll take some measurements and create 3-D images of your feet that will be used to design your orthotics. In a week or two, you'll receive your new orthotics. You'll begin wearing them for short periods of time initially to allow ample time for your feet to adjust.

End your foot pain with orthotics. Call Dr. Siroka, your Stamford, CT, podiatrist, at (203) 614-8185 to schedule your appointment.