
What We Can Do About Heel Pain

What We Can Do About Heel Pain

Minor heel pain may go away on its own after a few days of rest. But if it does not go away, it should be addressed to prevent it from progressing into a serious, chronic, daily issue that causes impairment to your everyday life. Dr. Peter Sikora will make a recommendation that is best for your pain. He treats the many causes of heel pain often in Stamford, CT.

What Are Some Causes of Heel Pain?

The first step in choosing a treatment strategy is to determine exactly what is causing your pain. The root of your heel pain must be accurately diagnosed for treatment to be a success. 

Common causes of heel pain are:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Trauma to the foot and/or ankle
  • Bone spurs
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis

Dr. Sikora will also rule out or diagnose the less common causes of heel pain, which include:

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome: Similar to the carpal tunnel in the wrists, there is a 'tunnel' in your ankle that envelops nerves going to the foot. The space in this tunnel can become smaller for a variety of reasons. This causes nerves to become pinched, leading to heel pain.
  • Sever's disease: Most common in children and teenagers, Sever's disease occurs when the heel cone grows faster than the ligaments and tendons of the lower leg. These structures are overworked as a result, which can cause heel pain.
  • Stress fractures
  • Heel pad bruise
  • Haglund's syndrome: This consists of a bony prominence on the back of the heel. Haglund's syndrome usually occurs in response to wearing ill-fitting shoes. 
  • Osteomyelitis: This involves the bone of the heel, consisting of infection or inflammation
  • Exercising without properly warming up the calf muscles

What Can You Do for My Heel Pain?

After the cause of your pain is accurately diagnosed, there are many options for treatment. Dr. Sikora will recommend the strategy that has the highest chance of eliminating your pain. The chosen treatment may not be the same as for another person. 

Treatment options may be conservative or may require more involved intervention. Recommendations for your heel pain in Stamford, CT are:

  • Avoidance of aggravating activities and rest
  • Prescription and OTC NSAIDs and painkillers
  • Cortisone injections
  • Custom orthotics
  • A course of physical therapy is the common first strategy for many causes of heel pain, such as plantar fasciitis. Targeted stretching and strengthening exercises for the muscles that surround and support the heel may relieve the pain. 

Surgery is generally a last resort when conservative measures have not relieved the pain. In some cases, however, such as severe trauma or other deformities to the heel that will not respond to conservative measures, surgery will be considered as a first option.

Contact Us

Treat your heel pain in Stamford, CT. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sikora by calling (203) 614-8185.