
FAQs About Bunions

FAQs About Bunions

Bunions are a common but painful condition and without treatment they could seriously impact your quality of life. Fortunately, bunions are typically treatable. If you or a loved one are suffering from bunions, it’s wise to speak with medical professionals right away. If you live near Stamford, CT and are suffering from bunions, contact Dr. Peter Siroka right away.

What Are Bunions?

A bunion is a bony lump, and it will form at the base of your big toe on the outside of the foot. This lump may be very sore to the touch. With bunions, the bones in the toe are typically pushed out of alignment.

Some people may develop what’s called a tailor’s bunion. This is very similar to a regular bunion but forms on the outside of your pinky toe rather than the big toe.

What Causes Bunions?

Bunions are often caused by uneven weight distribution. This can push the toes and thus bones in the toes and foot out of alignment. Over time, a bunion could form. Often, poor fitting shoes are the culprit or at least an exacerbating factor. High heels and lifts may increase the risk of bunions forming.

The shape of the foot may increase or decrease the likelihood of a bunion forming. As such, bunions sometimes run in families. Injuries, arthritis, neuromuscular disorders, and other things may increase risks.

Bunions are more common among women. This may be due to high heels and other shoes that fail to provide proper support.

How Are Bunions Treated?

Surgery is one of the most common methods for dealing with bunions. Surgery can be used to properly align bones and correct the position of ligaments and tendons. In severe cases, a surgeon can fuse the joints together.

If you live near Stamford, CT and want to learn more about bunions and treatment, get in touch with Dr. Siroka.

Is Bunion Surgery Necessary?

Bunion surgery may not be necessary if the bunion is caught early enough. Wearing different shoes, orthotics, and other treatment methods may provide relief. You can also get bunion sleeves, toe spacers, and splints.

However, while these may provide pain relief, they typically won’t cure the bunion as the bones will remain misaligned. If a bunion has already formed, surgery may be necessary to cure it.

How Can People Prevent Bunions From Forming In The First Place

An inch of prevention is worth a foot of cure. Wearing properly fitting shoes, ensuring that your feet get plenty of rest, custom orthotics, and other methods can be used to prevent bunions in the first place.

Looking to treat bunions in Stamford, CT? Dial (203) 614-8185 to chat with Dr. Siroka.