
My Blog

  • What Orthotics Can Do for You
    Orthotics can do many things for you if you are struggling with foot pain or discomfort. Orthotics are inserts placed inside the shoes to provide cushion, support, or stability, as Read more
  • Reasons You May Need Orthotics
    Do you need orthotics? Orthotics are used to treat a variety of foot problems and medical issues. Orthotic devices are molded pieces of plastic, rubber, leather, other material that are Read more
  • Do I Need Orthotics?
    Think there's nothing you can do about your aching feet? Orthotics, shoe inserts custom-designed by a podiatrist, can help relieve your painful symptoms. Dr. Peter Siroka, your Stamford, CT, podiatrist, Read more
  • How Orthotics Help Your Whole Body
    Don’t think you need to wear custom orthotics? You might be wrong! Did you know that the average American takes over 5,000 steps in a day? That’s equivalent to about 2.5 Read more