Suffering From Heel Pain?

Suffering From Heel Pain?

Here are some helpful tips to help you get your heel pain under control. 

Heel pain is an annoying issue, often caused by overuse conditions such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis. The good news is that most minor heel pain can be treated on your own; however, it’s also important to know when to turn to our Chandler, AZ, podiatrist Dr. Alan Discont and the Family Foot & Ankle Care team for care.

Here’s how you can manage heel pain starting now,

  • Take an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, which can reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Place a full plastic bottle of water in the freezer. Once frozen, roll the frozen bottle of water under the arches of your feet to alleviate pain and swelling. Make sure to wear socks (don’t do this barefoot).
  • Try wrapping or bracing your foot, particularly at night before sleep. This can minimize pain and stiffness first thing in the morning. Our foot doctor can show you how to properly wrap your foot to prevent or reduce morning heel pain.
  • Perform specific stretching foot exercises to help retrain and strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments while reducing stiffness and pain.
  • Avoid any activities that could stress the inflamed plantar fascia, such as running. Try to rest as much as possible and prop your foot up when resting.
  • Always wear shoes (yes, even indoors), as this can provide your feet with cushioning and support (never go barefoot).

Should I See a Podiatrist?

Wondering when you may need to turn to our Chandler, AZ, foot doctor about your heel pain? You should give us a call if,

  • Your heel pain isn’t responding to home care, and it’s been about one week
  • Your heel pain is getting worse despite rest and home care
  • You notice tingling, numbness or weakness in the foot (give us a call as soon as possible)
  • You can’t put weight on the foot or are having trouble walking
  • Your heel pain is severe, or there is severe swelling

While heel pain is rarely an emergency, if you find that you are having difficulty walking or putting weight on the foot, you should visit our Chandler, AZ, podiatrist Dr. Discont as soon as possible. Call Family Foot & Ankle Care at (480) 732-0033 to schedule an evaluation.