7430 Heritage Village Plz Unit 101

Gainesville, VA 20155-3089 US

(703) 753-3338

24430 Stone Springs Blvd, STE 100B, Dulles, VA 20166

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Prince William Foot & Ankle Center

What are Corns?

What are Corns?

Corns are calluses form around irritated portions of toes as a bodily defense mechanism. Dr. Mukesh Bhakta, Gainesville, VA, podiatrist, wartsknows about corns and calluses all too well.

More about Corns and Calluses:

Corns and calluses are thickened skin that develop due to skin irritation on toes. They aren't contagious but may become painful if left untreated, according to American Podiatric Medical Association. People with certain foot deformities, such as hammer toes, are more prone to corns and calluses.

What are the causes of corns and calluses?

Corns appear when the toe rubs against the interior of a shoe, or because of excessive pressure at the balls of the feet, which is more common among women who wear high heels regularly.


Corns and calluses typically have:

  • a rough, dull appearance
  • raised or rounded
  • hard to differentiate from warts
  • cause pain


According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this is how you can treat corns and calluses:

  1. Soak the corn or callus in warm water for about five to 10 minutes or until the skin softens.
  2. Dip a pumice stone in warm water, then use the stone to gently file the corn or callus in a circular or sideways motion to remove dead skin.
  3. Don't take off too much skin while filing the corn because that may cause bleeding and infection.
  4. Apply moisturizing lotion or cream to the area daily containing salicylic acid, ammonium lactate, or urea that gradually soften hard corns and calluses.
  5. Use padding to protect calluses from further irritation by placing a piece of moleskin in your shoe to prevent the corn from rubbing against your shoe.
  6. Wear shoes that properly fit or feet may be slightly swollen.
  7. Keep toenails trimmed to prevent toes from pushing up against your shoe.
  8. There are special over-the-counter as well.
  9. Your Gainesville podiatrist may also surgically remove the corns.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding corns and calluses, be sure to contact your Gainesville, VA, podiatrist today!