Understanding Migraines: Causes, Triggers, and Effective Management Strategies

Dr. Anthony Wright and Dr. Gloria Wright direct the Total Health and Primary Care office in Selma, TX. Their focus is internal, family medicine, including those suffering from migraine headaches. 

Our doctors see many patients daily for different health reasons. But one service they want to focus on today and give you information on is migraine headaches. Our doctors want you to understand what these are exactly, and their causes, triggers, and effective management strategies. 

Understanding Migraine Headaches

Everyone gets a headache at least once in a lifetime. However, not everyone gets a migraine. If you are susceptible to migraines, you will get more than one, and you may fall victim to chronic migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are tagged as chronic if you experience 15 or more episodes per month. 

A migraine headache is more than a simple headache. It is a debilitating condition that causes severe, relentless, throbbing head pain lasting for hours or even days. This intense pain often triggers nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to sound and light, significantly impacting daily life. 

Causes and Triggers for Migraine Headaches

The risk of developing these headaches may arise when there is a brain chemical imbalance or changes in the brain stem. Other reasons could be,

  • Hormone changes
  • Caffeine
  • Stress
  • Weather changes
  • Insomnia or poor sleep patterns
  • Additives in foods or beverages
  • Genetics or a family history of migraines

 When your choice of treatment at home becomes ineffective, it may be time to seek treatment at the Total Health and Primary Care office in Selma, TX. Our doctors provide individualized treatment, easing your migraines and reducing the frequency of your migraine headache episodes.

We Manage Your Migraine Treatment Options

We offer holistic and alternative treatment options to eliminate or significantly reduce the number and frequency of episodes per month. Examples of alternative treatment options are acupuncture, IV therapy, nutritional supplements, and osteopathic manipulative treatments.

One of the effective treatments we offer is Botox via injection. This medication specifically targets the nerves that cause migraine pain, blocking the release of certain chemicals into the brain. 

Botox can prevent the onset of a migraine headache for up to 12 weeks, providing you with the relief you need to regain control of your life. 

Migraine Relief is a Call Away!

 If you are bothered by migraines, call either of our doctors, Wright, today at the Total Health and Primary Care office in Selma, TX, at 210-654-9300

Don't let migraine pain rob you of your quality of life. We can help you in various ways to get the relief you deserve, so you can meet each day migraine headache-free. 

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