The Importance of Continuity of Care in Internal Medicine

Quality healthcare is vital at any age. From newborns to adults, having a good relationship with a solid physician is essential. If you're an adult seeking treatment for various disorders, you should contact the team at Total Health Primary Care. Dr. Anthony Wright and Dr. Gloria Wright specialize in internal medicine in Selma, TX.

What Is Internal Medicine?

Children have pediatricians, but adults have internists. Internal medicine is the specialty of preventing, diagnosing, and treating a host of different diseases and disorders in adults. These specialists can be primary care doctors for general comprehensive care, as well as acute or chronic issues. These doctors help adults deal with overall wellness and prevent diseases, especially ones that may run in their families. They are perfect doctors to go to when dealing with more than one illness at the same time. For example, someone may simultaneously be dealing with hypertension and diabetes. When you see your local internist, they can help with physical and emotional issues affecting your health.

How Continuity Care Helps

If you ever had to go from doctor to doctor, you can understand how distracting it may be for you. After all, every time you see a different doctor at a different office, you have to review your medical history over and over again. That new doctor may not understand everything going on inside your body and your family history. However, when you deal with continuous care with internal medicine in Selma, TX, you take advantage of an established relationship as you get to see the same professional consistently. It helps you become more familiar and trusting with the process, which can also help relieve stress and anxiety.

As you get to know each other, you can enjoy a more personalized approach to your treatment. You can experience better communication as your doctor is more familiar with your needs and health background. A doctor who has a long-standing relationship with you may be able to spot problems faster as they understand how your normal health is. According to Jamanetwork, patients receiving continuous care with the same specialist experience fewer hospital stays and lower mortality.

When you are ready for internal medicine in Selma, TX, the Total Health Primary Care team can provide continuous care. Drs. Wright are experts who know how to treat the various ailments adults of all ages may have. Do yourself a favor and get started with continuous internal healthcare by calling (210) 654-9300 for an appointment today.

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