When Should You Visit A Foot Doctor for Foot & Ankle Pain?

When Should You Visit A Foot Doctor for Foot & Ankle Pain?

Some foot pain, such as that after a long run, can be treated at home. Other aches and pains may need a podiatrist’s attention. Visit Dr. Kathy Tjamaloukas and Dr. George Tjamaloukas at Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Center in Land o’ Lakes, FL, to have your feet examined by a trusted specialist. 

When should you decide to go to the podiatrist for your foot pain?

Anything that severely impairs your gait can be a reason for concern. It could be caused by an accident, a hereditary deformity, or the result of habits, like wearing shoes with tighter toe boxes.

If you have swelling that is persistent and does not respond to any at-home treatment like resting and icing, you may want to speak with your doctor.

Co-existing conditions can make foot pain worse.

Diabetic patients can not afford to skip their foot health. Visiting the podiatrist ensures happy feet with sufficient circulation.

Corn and hammertoes that impair foot function are a great reason to visit your caregiver about your foot pain.

Infections and open wounds require attention.

Your physician may need to treat any bacterial and fungal infection of the foot that doesn’t seem to recede in a reasonable amount of time.

Wounds that will not heal should receive medical attention, especially if you have diabetes. Your doctor will be able to share some advice and prescribe medication to help speed the healing.

Ingrown toenails that haven’t responded to at-home treatment needs medical attention from your specialist. They will be able to remove the ingrown for you and help you to stave off any infection following removal.

Put yourself at ease concerning foot health. Have Dr. Tjamaloukas and Dr. Tjamaloukas addresses your foot pain at Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Center in Land O’Lakes, FL. Call 813-909-0865 to schedule an appointment today.