FAQs for Menopausal Disorders

As women age, the body stops producing eggs and the hormones that are associated with reproduction begin to decline. This process is known as menopause. As women transition into menopause, there may be symptoms associated with the disorder that can be difficult to manage without help. Dr. Miriam Torres at Serenity Gynecology and Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX, can answer any questions you have about menopausal disorders and how they can be managed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Menopausal Disorders

Q. What Are the Symptoms Associated With Menopause?

A. As your body starts to transition into being postmenopausal, you could experience almost no symptoms, but there are many women who deal with unpleasant symptoms throughout the process. You might experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, a decrease in your libido, and brain fog.

Q. How Are Menopause Symptoms Managed?

A. Some symptoms can be managed with lifestyle changes. You might need to change your diet to be more balanced and be sure to exercise regularly. It’s also important that you’re getting enough sleep each night and that you avoid smoking. You can also start using lubrication to deal with vaginal dryness.

Depending on your menopausal disorders symptoms, your doctor in Grapevine, TX, may recommend hormone replacement therapy to balance out your hormone levels.

Q. What Happens After Menopause?

A. Once your body has transitioned, you’re officially postmenopausal. Your hormone levels should start to balance out and you won’t experience as many symptoms as you did during menopause.

Contact Your Gynecologist Today

Find out how you can manage the symptoms associated with menopause and start feeling more comfortable in your daily life. Contact Dr. Miriam Torres at Serenity Gynecology and Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX, to learn more about dealing with menopausal disorders. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (817) 280-9616.