Childhood Dental Caries

Find out how to treat and prevent cavities in your little caries

We all know that the last thing a parent wants to hear from our Colorado Springs, CO, family dentist, Dr. Nolan Behr, is that your child has a cavity. Luckily, there are simple things you and your child can do to keep their teeth healthy and cavity-free.

How to Prevent Childhood Cavities

Did you know that cavities are preventable with the proper dental care? This means that taking care of your child’s smile is all that’s needed to keep cavities at bay. Of course, you have to know what goes into proper dental care in order to make sure you are doing everything possible. Here are some rules to follow:

  • Make sure you are brushing your child’s teeth twice a day, once in the morning and again at night before bedtime.
  • Every time you brush your child’s teeth (children over 7 years old can start brushing their teeth on their own with supervision) make sure you are brushing for at least 2 minutes each time.
  • Replace the toothbrush head (or toothbrush) once you notice the bristles starting to fray and wear out.
  • Talk to our Colorado Springs dentist about getting sealants to protect your child’s back teeth from cavities, as these teeth are at a higher risk for developing dental caries.
  • Your child should floss once a day, ideally right before bedtime.
  • Schedule routine checkups with your child’s dentist twice a year (every six months).
  • Ask about fluoride treatment, which can protect teeth against cavities.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is low in sugar, sodas, and refined starches (e.g. white pasta, bread, and rice).

Treating Cavities When They Happen

Unfortunately, many times, cavities can still occur. Don’t fret; while we know that you and your child would love to remain cavity-free, we are here to help treat the cavity right away. This means removing the decay with a dental drill (don’t worry; we will numb the area first so it won’t hurt!). Once the decay is removed we can place a tooth-colored dental filling to restore the tooth’s function and appearance. If your child is dealing with dental pain or sudden tooth sensitivity to hot or cold, this could mean that they have a cavity.

If you suspect that your child might have a cavity, or if it’s just time for your child’s next dental appointment, don’t hesitate to call our Colorado Springs, CO, dental team today to book your child’s next visit.

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