Reasons You Might Need A Dental Crown

Reasons You Might Need A Dental Crown

There are many reasons why one may require a dental crown in order to restore their tooth. Your McDonough, GA dentist, Dr. Robertcrowns Brooks from Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, can examine each patient and determine whether or not a crown will remedy their particular dental problems.

More about Crowns

A large filling may be one reason for a crown. When a tooth has a cavity or a break, it needs to be covered with a crown. This is because the remaining portion of the tooth around the large filling is weak and will keep breaking. Sometimes a large filling will need to be replaced with a crown that shows signs of cracks around the filling.

A root canal is another reason for a dental crown. This dental treatment leaves the tooth hollowed out and makes the tooth prone to cracking. A crown is immediately needed after this procedure to prevent the tooth from further damage.

Excessive wear of the teeth such as those who grind their teeth may lead to the need for a dental crown. The teeth gradually become shorter over time. They also can wear away due to acid erosion as a result of your diet. In these instances, your McDonough dentist can use crowns to help restore the teeth and their function in a patient’s mouth.

Crowns are created by impressions taken of the patient’s teeth. Your dentist then determines the shade of the teeth to help the lab to make a crown that matches the rest of the teeth. A temporary crown is put into place until the permanent one is made. The permanent crown is placed on the tooth and inspected for proper fit and bite.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Brooks at Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in McDonough, GA to discuss what crowns can do for your teeth, call 678-583-0330 today.

Our Location

70 Westridge Parkway, Suite 200 McDonough, GA 30253

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm



