So, What's a Dental Implant?

So, What's a Dental Implant?

When it comes to strong, healthy teeth, the old adage is true - you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Missing teeth obviously dental implantspresent a major cosmetic problem. But they can also lead to a number of oral and general health problems if left untreated. Until recently, tooth restoration options were fairly limited to just replacing the visible, cosmetic portion of the tooth (the crown), which makes it possible to eat, speak clearly, and smile without embarrassment or shame over missing teeth. But don't you worry, Dr. Robert Brooks, a dentist in McDonough, GA, has many answers for your problems.

Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants in McDonough, GA

Dr. Robert Brooks advises adult patients in good general health and with enough oral bone density to consider implants to replace one or several missing teeth. Implants can also support a set of dentures, eliminating the need for adhesives and problems with a comfortable fit for denture patients.

In the first stage, Dr. Brooks surgically places the implant, which is made of a biocompatible titanium screw, into the jaw. As it heals, it begins to fuse with the surrounding bone tissue, securing the implant in place. The cosmetic crown is then attached, providing a natural looking, fully functional replacement to the missing tooth.

Implants are cared for in the same way as natural teeth and require a rigorous commitment to at-home oral hygiene care with daily brushing and flossing, and regular follow-up check-ups and professional cleanings with a dentist.

Find a Dentist in McDonough, GA

Tooth loss does more than just ruin the cosmetic appearance of your smile. Once the root of a tooth is gone, the supporting bone tissue in the gums begins to erode, increasing the risk of inflammation, infections and affecting the stability of neighboring teeth. Implants address this problem by replacing the root, which helps to permanently anchor the cosmetic crown in place and to stimulate the growth of healthy bone tissue as well.

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants may be a good option for you. For more information, and to find out if you are a candidate for the procedure, contact Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry by calling (678) 583-0330 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Brooks today.

Our Location

70 Westridge Parkway, Suite 200 McDonough, GA 30253

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm



