What Are Veneers?

What Are Veneers?

Want to feel confident showing off your smile whenever you want?

It probably isn’t too surprising to hear that people who have beautiful smiles are viewed as more successful, friendly and confident. If you’d like to be seen this way by your peers, but you have a smile that makes you feel anything but confident, then our McDonough, GA, cosmetic dentists Dr. Robert Brooks and Dr. Brent Johnson can help. We offer a full range of cosmetic services including dental veneers.

About Dental Veneers

These beautiful, porcelain layers are adhered directly to the front of a tooth in order to reshape, resize and improve the color of your smile. Whether you are looking to improve just a single tooth, a couple of teeth or your whole smile here in McDonough, GA, dental veneers can help.

Treating Your Imperfections

Most cosmetic dental issues can be hidden just by placing dental veneers over the front surface of your teeth, and veneers are usually placed on just the teeth that are visible when you smile. They can be used to hide discolorations and stains that are too severe for teeth whitening, and can even reshape teeth that are worn out, too short, misshapen or chipped.

Have a slightly off-kilter smile? Have a large gap between your front teeth that has you hiding your smile for the camera? Do you have slightly crooked teeth that make you self-conscious? If so, you may have considered braces but decided against it because you just didn’t want to fool with it as an adult. If so, know that veneers may be able to reshape your smile so that your teeth look more even and aligned. Veneers can even cover those unsightly gaps.

Remember, veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth, so any goals you have for treatment should be shared with your cosmetic dentist ahead of time during your consultation, so they can create veneers that address the issues you are looking to fix.

If you want to feel confident again in your smile and you think dental veneers could help you then call Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in McDonough, GA, today at (678) 583-0330 to schedule a consultation with our dental team.

Our Location

70 Westridge Parkway, Suite 200 McDonough, GA 30253

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Brooks Cosmetic & Family Dentistry


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm



