Dental Crowns Keep Your Teeth Strong

If you have a damaged tooth, find out how a dental crown could save your smile.

A cracked tooth or a tooth that is severely malformed can really impact how your smile looks and feels. Not to mention, that a tooth that dental crownshas already incurred damage can get worse if it isn’t protected, and don’t you want to protect as much of your natural tooth as possible? We thought so, which is why our Lincoln, NE, dentists, Dr. Greg Blome and Dr. Sara Wubbles, will most likely recommend a dental crown to restore the tooth.

Why a dental crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped hollow cap that is cemented over the tooth to alter the tooth’s appearance and also improve its ability to function. A crown is a versatile restoration that can be used to change the color, shape or size of a tooth. Since the crown also covers over the tooth it now provides a stronger outer covering to protect against damage.

A dental crown may be a great option for you if you are looking to treat a:

  • Broken, fractured or cracked tooth
  • Severely malformed tooth
  • Discolored tooth
  • Tooth that has undergone root canal treatment

A dental crown is also the restoration that is placed over an implant to replace missing teeth.

How is a dental crown placed?

Before you can even get a dental crown, the tooth will need to be prepared. This requires our Lincoln general dentist to shave down the tooth so that the crown will be able to fit over it. Then we will take impressions of our mouth to send to a lab. The lab will use these impressions to craft a crown that perfectly fits over your tooth. In the meantime, a temporary crown will be placed over the tooth.

Once the permanent restoration has been made, you will come back for a final visit so that we can cement the crown over the tooth and check to make sure that your new tooth offers an amazing fit.

Blome Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE, is here to make sure that your smile is protected for the future. Don’t let issues impact your smile for the long term. We can help!

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