How Dental Bridges Can Help You

Your dentists in Lincoln, NE, Drs. Sara Blome-Wubbles and Greg Blome understand just how much a missing tooth can affect you. Your lost tooth completely changes your smile and can make chewing a little difficult. Fortunately, dental bridges provide an effective tooth restoration solution.

Dental bridges fill the gaps in your teeth
Bridges are an excellent choice if you've lost one tooth or two adjacent teeth. The restorations consist of false teeth, or pontics, that replace your missing teeth, and dental crowns. Pontics are attached to hollow crowns, restorations that slide over supporting teeth on either side of your gap. The crown portions of the bridge are cemented on to the supporting teeth after they've been reduced in size slightly.

Cementing the crowns ensure that your bridge is comfortable and doesn't move when you eat. Bridges are a comfortable restoration option and feel very natural.

Bridges help you stay healthy
Missing teeth can make eating challenging, no matter where they're located. If eating certain foods becomes more trouble than its worth, you may decide to avoid them when you dine at your favorite Lincoln restaurant or prepare a meal at home. Unfortunately, eliminating foods from your diet can cause nutritional deficiencies that could increase your risk of illness.

Dental bridges restore your ability to eat a range of foods and help you stay healthy.

Your dental bridge prevents additional changes to your smile
Drifting teeth are a common issue after tooth loss. Your teeth may shift as they try to fill the gaps in your smile. As the teeth change position, they often overlap. Overlapping teeth change your appearance, which can be very upsetting if you previously had perfectly straight teeth. Your risk of tooth decay might also increase if it's hard to remove plaque between overlapping teeth.

In some cases, drifting teeth may also change your bite. If bite changes are severe, you might need orthodontic treatment to correct them. Bridges prevent nearby teeth from shifting, helping you avoid these consequences. The restorations are most effective in preventing changes to your smile if you receive them as soon as possible after tooth loss.

Restore your missing teeth with dental bridges. Call your Lincoln, NE, dentists, Drs. Sara Blome-Wubbles and Greg Blome, at (402) 483-7000 to schedule your appointment.

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