What Sealants Can Do for Your Child’s Smile

Find out how sealants protect your child’s back teeth from cavities.

As a parent we know how important it is to be able to keep your child’s smile healthy and problem-free. Of course, brushing those backChild's smile teeth can sometimes pose a challenge. After all, those ridges on the chewing surfaces of your child’s molars can easily trap plaque and food, which can lead to cavities. One way our Lincoln, NE, family dentists Dr. Greg Blome and Dr. Sara Wubbels can help combat this problem is by placing dental sealants.


What is a dental sealant?

This thin coating made from a special medical-grade plastic is painted over the chewing surfaces of your child’s back teeth to seal out food, plaque and bacteria, which can get trapped within the grooves and ridges. By placing these sealants on molars, our Lincoln, NE, family dentist can greatly reduce your child’s risk of developing cavities on these more susceptible teeth.


When should my child get dental sealants?

Once your child’s first set of molars have erupted it’s time to talk with our dentist to find out if sealants are the best option for your child. This usually occurs around the age of 6 or 7 years old. Once your child’s second set of molars erupt (typically around the age of 12 years old) you will also want to place dental sealants over these teeth as well.


How are sealants placed?

Your child can get sealants right here in our office. The process is simple and sealants can even be placed after your child’s routine cleaning. Once their teeth have been cleaned our dentist will place a special gel over the tooth to help the sealant stick to the enamel.

Once the gel has dried it’s time to place the sealants. The material may be transparent or there may be a slight tint to it so that it matches the tooth. Sealants are not visible. Once the sealant is painted on, it will be hardened into place with a special curing light.


Does my child need sealants?

While getting dental sealants is a personal choice, all children can benefit from getting dental sealants. Getting them is painless and easy, and sealants can greatly reduce your child’s risk for cavities in hard-to-reach back teeth. There are no drawbacks to getting sealants and they could protect your child’s teeth for up to 10 years.

Have questions about dental sealants? Want to get sealants for your child? If so, call Blome Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE, today and let us know. We can plan to place sealants during your child’s next dental cleaning.

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