Celebrate National Dentist Day by Visiting the Dentist

Cosmetic DentistryYour Apple Valley dentist reminds patients to take care of their smiles and promote National Dentist Day.

Did you know that March 6th is National Dentist Day? Sometimes dentists get a bad rap, but our goal is to make sure you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts you a lifetime! If we didn’t have dentists we certainly would have a lot of unhappy and unhealthy smiles. Where would your smile be without regular dental checkups? With National Dentist Day approaching, how will you celebrate? If it’s been over six months since your last routine dental exam, then it might be time to visit your Apple Valley dentist!

What is the importance of routine dental exams and cleaning?

While not enough people see their dentist regularly, it’s important to come in at least once a year (if not twice a year) to maintain a healthy smile. While brushing and flossing at home are great ways to protect the health of your teeth and gums, there are certain things that only your Apple Valley dentist can do. First, even the best brushers miss spots between teeth. It happens! However, it’s much easier for us to find plaque and tartar buildup and remove it. Plus, tartar buildup can’t be removed through simply brushing your teeth. Only your Apple Valley dentist has the proper tools to remove tartar.

Furthermore, we will run X-rays each year to make sure that teeth are developing and growing as they should and that there are no issues like infection or decay that could cause issues for your smile. Remember, not all problems can pain or other symptoms. You could be dealing with a serious dental problem and not even know it. That’s why a six-month dental exam is vital to a healthy smile.

How can I celebrate National Dentist Day?

The best way you and your family can spread awareness of National Dentist Day is to schedule an appointment to see your Apple Valley dentist, especially if it’s time for your six-month cleaning.

Aside from seeing us more regularly, there are lifestyle changes you can adopt to make sure that you maintain a healthy smile:

  • Incorporate healthy foods choices into your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks and carbohydrates like white bread, which can cause decay and erode enamel. Opt instead for lean meats, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes. People often don’t brush their teeth long enough. Hold yourself accountable and set a timer while your brush. If you can, try to brush between each meal to reduce the buildup of plaque and food particles.
  • Floss at least once a day and preferably before your brush your teeth. This way your toothbrush is better able to clean in between teeth.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three to four months, or when the bristles begin to fray.

If it’s time to schedule your upcoming dental visit, there has never been a better time. Celebrate National Dentist Day the right way by visiting your Apple Valley Dentist, Dr. Samuel Kim, DDS at Apple Valley Dental.