FAQS about Teeth Whitening

Are you considering whether you should turn to professional teeth whitening in order to get a more radiant smile? While there are countless over-the-counter options that promise to do just this, they often deliver disappointing, short-lasting results. That's where our Helendale, CA, cosmetic dentist, Dr. Samuel Kim, comes in! Read on to learn all about how his professional teeth whitening treatments here at Apple Valley Dental can improve your look.

How does professional whitening work?

The whitening gel that our Helendale dentist applies onto the front of your teeth contains a high percentage of peroxide, a material that brightens teeth by breaking up the stain molecules that form within the outer layers of the tooth (i.e. the enamel and dentin layers). When you come into our office for treatment, we will first clean your teeth to remove any plaque and tartar buildup before applying the whitening gel. The gel will stay on your teeth for around 15 minutes before being removed and reapplied. Multiple whitening applications are performed during a single in-office whitening session to help you achieve results quickly.

Does professional whitening work on all types of stains?

Whitening treatment has certainly come a long way over the years, and they can now address more stubborn stains than ever before. With that said, there are certain stains that will respond better to professional whitening treatment. While yellow stains are the most responsive, brownish stains may also respond well (although they often require more than one session).

Teeth with darker stains, however, may be better suited to other cosmetic treatment options such as dental veneers to get a whiter smile. This is something we can discuss during your consultation.

How can I make sure that my results last?

With the proper maintenance and care, some people maintain their results for up to two years before needing to touch-up their smile. To prevent stains, it’s important that you,

  • Brush twice a day with a whitening toothpaste
  • Floss daily
  • Avoid dark, stain-producing drinks and foods
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for cleanings and checkups

Interested? Give us a call

If you want to feel more confident in your smile, then getting professional teeth whitening treatment from our Helendale, CA, office can help! Call Apple Valley Dental today at (760) 247-6007 to schedule a consultation with us.