Tired of Dental Stains? We Can Help

Wouldn’t you like to look at yourself in the mirror and bask in how radiant and white your teeth are? Unfortunately, everybody will have to contend with teeth stains at some time in their life. Fortunately, getting rid of unsightly stains and discoloration is easier than ever. The trick is to figure out the kind of stains you need to get rid of and which teeth whitening treatments will work best for you.

Here at Apple Valley Dental in Apple Valley, CA, you can talk to one of our dentists to determine the most suitable teeth whitening option for you so you can smile confidently with your pearly whites.

What are Extrinsic Stains?

Extrinsic teeth stains are essentially stains on the teeth’s outermost surface. They develop right on your teeth’s enamel. Your enamel is the tooth layer responsible for safeguarding your tooth’s softer portion, which is the dentin. While your enamel is your teeth’s sturdiest part, it’s also the part that comes in direct contact with all the things you put inside your mouth.

Over time, some of these things, particularly food and drinks that stains like coffee, tea, and red wine, would be absorbed by your enamel and cause significant discoloration. Fortunately, extrinsic stains are the easiest stains to remove because they’re surface stains. You can treat them with a whitening kit from your dentist or in-office whitening performed by your dentist.

What are Intrinsic Stains?

These stains develop right on your dentin, which is underneath your enamel. It’s important to point out that your dentin is inherently more yellow and darker than your enamel. When your enamel wears away from everyday wear or improper oral care habits, your dentin will definitely show through and absorb stains. While these stains are harder to eliminate, professional teeth whitening done by your dentist in Apple Valley, CA, will surely do the trick. You can also opt for porcelain veneers if you’re looking for a more permanent solution.

What are Teeth Stains from Aging?

In general, you can expect your enamel to become thinner and your dentin to become darker. These natural changes are due to aging and cause deep stains in your teeth. Like intrinsic stains, these types of stains will only respond to professional, in-office whitening treatments. Likewise, veneers are another option if for some reason the stains you have don’t respond well to teeth whitening.


Want to Know Which Teeth Whitening Solutions Will Work for Your Stains?

Contact Apple Valley Dental in Apple Valley, CA, to arrange a consultation with one of our dentists. Call (760) 247-6007 for more details.