Types of Teeth Whitening

Would you like whiter teeth but aren't sure which whitening method is the right option for you? Our Apple Valley, CA, dentist, Dr. Samuel teeth whiteningKim, discusses the pros and cons of several whitening options.

Over-the-counter kits

Do-it-yourself whitening kits, found online and in stores, are the least expensive whitening option. Unfortunately, the old adage "you get what you pay for" often applies to the results. Drugstore kits contain weak hydrogen peroxide formulations that may not be strong enough to make a significant difference in your tooth color, even if you use the products for weeks or months.

Your results may also vary depending on the product you use. Brushed on products can be easily washed away by saliva, while poorly fitting trays and strips can cause gum and root sensitivity and increase the risk of uneven results. If you use an over-the-counter kit, it's important to follow instructions exactly and avoid getting any of the product on your gums or roots.

In-office whitening

In-office whitening offers the quickest results, thanks to professional strength hydrogen peroxide gel. After a one-hour treatment in our Apple Valley office, your teeth will be much whiter. Results vary from person to person, but most people achieve a difference of at least three to eight shades. Sensitivity is less likely to be a problem when you visit the dentist's office for whitening services. In addition to applying the gel very precisely, we'll also protect your roots, gums, mouth and lips during the session.

At-home whitening

You can also achieve professional results at home when we provide you with a take-home kit. We'll make impressions of your upper and lower teeth, which will be used to create custom trays for your mouth. You'll fill the trays with hydrogen peroxide gel and insert them in your mouth for about an hour. In most cases, you'll need to use the trays for several weeks for optimum results. Take-home kits can also be used if you've had in-office whitening services in the past and want to touch up your teeth from time to time.

Would you like a whiter, brighter smile? Call our Apple Valley, CA, dentist, Dr. Kim, at (760) 247-6007 to schedule a teeth whitening appointment.