What to do in a Dental Emergency

Sometimes accidents happen that would cause a dental emergency. It’s important to understand when a situation is an emergency and when and how to seek emergency dental treatment from your dentists at Apple Valley Dental in Apple Valley, CA, and serving patients in Helendale, CA.

What to do in a Dental Emergency

Life is full of surprises and sometimes those surprises aren’t great to deal with. Don’t be left panicking in a dental emergency by being prepared and knowing how to react to certain emergencies. Your dentist serving Apple Valley and Helendale, CA, normally sets aside time during the day for emergencies because life happens. When you know what to do in an emergency, it can be the difference between saving your tooth and losing it forever.

When you are hit and a tooth is damaged or knocked out, it’s important that one of the first steps you take is to retrieve the tooth and gently rinse it in water. While you rinse it, you need to be sure to be gentle and not to remove any of the tissue attached to the tooth. If it’s possible, you can try to place the tooth back into its socket, but if that doesn’t work, you can place the tooth in a saltwater solution or a glass of milk. This will help keep your tooth healthy and intact, giving you time to get to emergency dental treatment. The faster you’re able to get to your emergency dentist, the more likely it is that your dentist will be able to save your tooth.

Contact Your Dentist Today!

When accidents happen, it’s important you know how to react and not panic. Emergency dental treatment is the best way to save your smile when accidents happen. Contact your dentist at Apple Valley Dental in Apple Valley, CA, and serving patients in Helendale, CA, today at (760) 247-6007.