What You Need to Know About Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can cause even the most calm, cool, and collected individuals to panic. Luckily, your dentist can help you prepare for dental emergencythese uncomfortable situations and know exactly what to do to save your tooth and dental health. Find out everything you need to know about dental emergencies and more with Dr. Samuel Kim at Apple Valley Dental in Apple Valley, CA.

What is considered a dental emergency? 
Dental emergencies often involve injuries to the mouth which do serious damage to one or more teeth. In addition to damage to the teeth, a dental emergency can also include damage to the oral tissues like the cheeks, tongue, or gums. One of the most common dental emergencies occurs when an injury or accident knocks a tooth from the mouth, fractures a tooth, or significantly loosens the tooth. However, dental emergencies can also occur when a tooth becomes severely infected and abscessed.

What should I do during a dental emergency? 
It is important to see your dentist as soon as possible after a dental emergency. If the tooth has become dislodged or come out completely, retrieve the tooth and rinse it if it is dirty. However, try to hold the tooth by its crown and do not scrub any remaining tissue off of the roots. Place the tooth in a small container of milk or a store-bought solution like Save-A-Tooth. If the tooth breaks into pieces, retrieve the pieces and place them into the solution or milk and bring them with you to your emergency dental appointment. If you have a toothache or abscessed tooth, try swishing with warm salt water until you can get into your dentist’s office.

Dental Emergencies in Apple Valley, CA
The best thing you can do during a dental emergency is to stay calm and remember the best practices for the situation you find yourself in. For more information on dental emergencies or what you should do during one, please contact Dr. Kim at Apple Valley Dental in Apple Valley, CA. Call (760) 247-6007 to schedule your emergency appointment.