Whiten Your Teeth In Time to Go Back to School

Teeth WhiteningFind out how you can easily get a brighter smile just in time for the first weeks of school.

Whether you are a teacher looking to get a more vibrant smile, or you are a student looking to impress fellow classmates with your pearly whites, professional teeth whitening from your Apple Valley dentist Dr. Samuel Kim can give you the results you’re looking for.

How long does professional teeth whitening take?

You’ll be happy to hear that getting a whiter smile doesn’t take hours in the dentist’s chair, or even typically require more than one visit. The entire process only takes about 45 minutes for your Apple Valley dentist to complete. This is really no longer than sitting for your routine cleaning. Professional in-office whitening consists of three, 15-minute applications in which we apply the bleaching gel, activate it with a special light, remove the old gel and reapply a new layer. Three gel applications are all that’s required to get the results you want.

How effective is in-office teeth whitening as compared to commercial whitening products?

If you’ve ever used an over-the-counter whitening product, then you already know that the results are anything but significant. Often it takes weeks of using the product every day just to notice a slight change. But with teeth whitening in Apple Valley you can get a visibly brighter smile in just one visit.

The secret? Our professional-grade bleaching gel contains a high dosage of hydrogen peroxide that you won’t find in at-home products. Furthermore, the special laser we use helps to speed up the active ingredients in the bleaching gel to remove surface stains and brighten teeth enamel. Plus, in-office whitening is also the safest way to whiten your smile.

How much whiter will my smile get with professional teeth whitening?

While results will vary depending on the type and severity of your dental stains, one in-office whitening session could get your smile up to 10 shades brighter! No other product can offer such instant and effective results.

How can I make sure my whitened smile truly lasts?

Once you get teeth whitening at our Apple Valley office, your goal will be to keep your smile looking its best. After all, what’s the point of getting your teeth professionally whitened if you don’t want to maintain your results? Besides continuing to brush thoroughly twice a day and floss once a day you should also stay away from certain foods and drinks that can cause stains:

  • Sports drinks
  • Dark sodas
  • Wine
  • Coffee and tea
  • Fruit juices and berries
  • Dark condiments, dressings and sauces

Ready to get that picture-perfect smile before school? Then it’s time to call Apple Valley Dental to schedule your whitening session today!