Why Should You Go to the Dentist?

dentist, lucerne valleyGoing to the dentist isn’t probably your favorite thing to do, but it’s important nonetheless. We strive to work with our patients as a team.

Preventative Care Boasts Multiple Advantages for Apple and Lucerne Valley Residents

Do you know what preventative dental care is? It’s something you do every day—brushing, and hopefully, flossing. You consume food and beverages on a daily basis; thus, you are also exposed to plaque bacteria every day. To keep your tooth enamel strong and healthy, you need to brush, floss and rinse, but more importantly, you need to keep track of your dental checkups.

Going to the dentist has many health benefits:

  • Detects earliest signs of dental caries
  • Keeps plaque bacteria at bay
  • Attends to gum issues
  • Receive educational materials important to oral health

Preventative dental tactics promote long-term health benefits for teeth and gums, and you definitely want your oral health to be in check as the years pass by—it helps reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth loss.

An informed patient will be more motivated to keep his/her oral health on the right track, so we hope to see you in our office during your bi-annual dental appointment.

Do you have a dental concern? Apple and Lucerne Valley dental patients can contact our office at (760) 247-6007. Our dentistry practice is conveniently located in Apple Valley and services the Lucerne Valley area as well. Lucerne Valley is only 19 miles away from Apple Valley.