

From Numb to Normal - OraVerse Brings You Back

Do you, like many dental patients, find the lingering numbness of local anesthesia is something you've become used to but never comfortable with? It's not easy getting on with your day when part of you is still not feeling normal. Are you ready for a new possibility?

Dr. XXX is proud to say, "It's about time for OraVerse."

OraVerse is the first and only product of its kind to rapidly reverse the effects of local dental anesthetic so you can feel, speak, smile, and drink normally in approximately half the time. It is scientifically proven to accelerate the return of normal sensation and function following routine dental procedures.

The same drug used in OraVerse has been utilized in other medical applications for the past 50 years. Now the safety and effectiveness of OraVerse have been successfully demonstrated for dental application through clinical trials involving pediatric, adolescent, and adult patients.

Your return to normal

Now when you leave our office, OraVerse can go with you - moving you comfortably and confidently back into normal activity. And if you feel more like yourself, aren't you more productive?

The average duration of soft tissue numbness following the use of a local dental anesthetic is 3-5 hours. This numbness can result in difficulty in speaking, smiling, drinking normally, and occasionally results in drooling. OraVerse is administered by Dr. XXX immediately following your procedure, allowing you to return to normal sensation and function in about half the average time. And that is time you can put back in your day - doing what you want to do without limitations caused by lingering numbness.

Please download the OraVerse patient brochure for more information.

To view and/or print the OraVerse patient brochure, please click on the link above. You will need Acrobat Reader, which is a free software program available by clicking the Get Adobe Reader button below.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


Wednesday: Closed (open for emergencies only)


9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


Saturday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Every Other Saturday)

