Snap On Smile

Snap On Smile™

Case Studies with Snap On Smile


The term diastema is used to describe open spaces between the upper incisors (front teeth). It is created by an unequal relationship between the size of the teeth and the jaw and can occur naturally or when teeth have been lost. Diastema can be repaired by replacing the worn natural crown of the tooth with an expensive artificial crown or it can be fixed with orthodontic appliances which move the teeth, but this course of treatment can span several years.

Snap-On Smile is a far less invasive, less painful, less time consuming and less expensive alternative to cosmetic dentistry or orthodontia and the results can be just as dramatic.

Snap On Smile - diastema

Malalignment (Crooked Teeth)

Crooked teeth can be caused by several factors. Tooth crowding (or an "overcrowded mouth") occurs when there is not enough room for all permanent teeth to erupt. Tooth spacing occurs when there is excessive space in the jaw bone.

In ideal scenarios, teeth are straightened with orthodontic treatment during the pre-teen or teenage years while the mouth and jaw are developing. However, many patients who do not have the opportunity for orthodontic treatment in their youth would have to undergo lengthy and expensive treatment to realign their teeth as adults.

Snap-On Smile is a far more affordable, quicker and stunning alternative to orthodontia for adults.

Snap On Smile malalignment

Tetracycline Staining

Many adults avoid smiling because their teeth have been darkened or stained by the antibiotic tetracycline. Previously, invasive and costly treatments like veneers, crowns and bonding were the only options available to people with stained teeth.

For some patients, bleach whitening procedures are an option, but this process takes time, and teeth may look worse initially, as normal enamel lightens more quickly than the discolored areas. Also some patients with sensitivity problems are not candidates for in-office whitening procedures.

Snap-On Smile is an excellent alternative to these invasive, painful and costly treatment options.

Snap On Smile tetracycline

Bruxism (Grinding and Clenching the Teeth)

The habit of clenching and grinding the teeth is called bruxism. While some patients do it during the day, it most often occurs at night during sleep.

Years of bruxism can severely wear down damage teeth and the usual repair is replacing the worn natural crown of the tooth with expensive artificial crowns. To protect the new crowns, the dental professional may fabricate an occlusal guard to be worn at night.

With Snap-On Smile® bruxism patients can have a full, beautiful smile while protecting their teeth from further damage.

Snap On Smile bruxism

Missing Teeth

There are three basic ways to fix a missing tooth or teeth:

  • A fixed bridge
  • A removable appliance
  • A dental implant

Snap-On Smile can be used in lieu of dentures. Like dentures, the Snap-on Smile is removable, but unlike dentures, patients can transform their entire smile while still maintaining their existing teeth because the appliance is simply placed over the originals. Its retention is completely tooth-borne, so the appliance does not impinge on the gum tissue nor cover the palate, making it look and feel very natural. Another advantage of Snap-On Smile -- dentures only replace the missing teeth leaving the appearance of the remaining teeth unchanged. Together, the patient and dentist can choose from several shades and shapes with Snap-On Smile, providing an array of choices to further enhance a patient's smile with this custom fitted appliance.

Snap-On Smile is a smart alternative to the invasive, painful and costly treatment options of dental implants and fixed bridges. Available in quadrant sizes as well as full arch, no other removable partial denture performs both these tasks as comfortably and naturally as Snap-On Smile. This option is also ideal for patients who are not candidates to receive implants.

Snap On Smile missing-teeth

Raising Facial Height/Vertical Dimension

Severe wear due to attrition and bruxism can cause substantial loss of facial height. Facial height, or vertical dimension, is a measurement taken between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin. If left untreated, this condition can lead to angular chelitis, which is a deep fold at the corner of the mouth. Not only can this fold harbor bacteria, but it usually makes a patient look much older.

Traditionally, full mouth reconstruction is done by drilling down the teeth to prepare them for crowns (caps) on both upper and lower arches. This is an invasive, painful, time consuming and costly procedure.

A custom fitted Snap-On Smile can increase facial height as well as provide patients with a more pleasing smile with no drilling. The appliance can also be used for diagnostic analysis before full-mouth rehabilitation. Snap-On Smile is a non-invasive, quick, affordable procedure to dramatically combat the loss of facial height.

Snap On Smile height

Enhancing Existing Smile

Planning an upcoming wedding? Starting a new job? Getting in shape for a school reunion? Dazzle on a big day with a gorgeous new set of pearly whites with Snap-On Smile.

In just a few weeks, Snap-On Smile® can give you a million dollar smile that is far less expensive, less painful and less time consuming than traditional cosmetic dentistry or orthodontics.

Snap On Smile enhancing

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Saturday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Every Other Saturday)

