The Health Benefits of Dentures

The Health Benefits of Dentures

Find out how dentures could improve your oral health and give you a renewed smile.

If you’ve been dealing with partial or complete tooth loss, then you’re probably looking for a way to revive your smile as quickly as possible. While dentures have often gotten a bad rap over the years, modern-day dentures have certainly come a long way over the years. In fact, the dentures your East Lansing, MI dentist offers are now better looking and fit more comfortably than ever before. Find out why dentures might be right for you and how they could benefit your oral health.

Restored ability to eat and speak comfortably: Since losing your teeth have you found it particularly difficult to get through meals or talk to others? Missing teeth can significantly impact how you eat and speak. However, dentures can change all that.

Now with your new set of teeth, you can find a renewed comfort in eating all your favorite foods and talking in public without worrying that people are looking at your gaping smile and not you. Even though dentures take some adjusting, you will find that over time dentures will make life much easier for you.

Stop facial muscles from sagging: When you lose teeth your cheeks begin to sink in and sag, which can prematurely age you. However, dentures can change all this by filling out our cheeks and preserve the definition and structure. In a way, dentures can help you maintain your more youthful appearance.

Renewed confidence in your appearance: Anyone who has dealt with tooth loss knows that missing teeth can often greatly affect your self-confidence. If you’ve found yourself smiling less often because you’re unhappy with your smile, then dentures can give you your full, natural-looking smile back. No one will be able to tell that your smile isn’t all yours and you can find a restored sense of self when you get your smile back.

While there are other treatment options available for replacing teeth, including bridges and implants, what makes dentures a popular option is that they also have a wallet-friendly price tag. Other dental restorations can cost more than a patient might bargain for and sometimes insurance won’t cover the cost; therefore, dentures still offer our patients a way to gain a new smile without stressing over their finances.

If you are ready to replace your missing teeth with dentures, then schedule a consultation with your East Lansing MI dentist, Dr. Thomas G. Faiver today.

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