Preventing Hearing Loss

Here are some easy things you can do to prevent damage to your hearing.


A shocking 432 million adults and 34 million children around the world are affected by hearing loss. There are many causes for hearing loss including chronic ear infections, age, and exposure to loud noises. Of course, there are steps you can take now to protect yourself and your family from hearing loss. From the office of our McKinney, TX, ENT doctor Dr. Andrew Senchak, here are some strategies for preserving your hearing,


Know safe decibel levels

A safe exposure level of sound is no more than 85 decibels for eight hours a day. 85 decibels equates to the sounds of bustling city traffic. Unfortunately, headphones and MP3 players are often at or above 100 decibels. Even a standard blow-dryer is about 90 decibels.


It’s important to understand that even simple everyday appliances could cause hearing damage if you use them regularly. Knowing this can help to limit your exposure and avoid loud noises.


Protect your ears while listening to music

Listening to MP3 players is one of the biggest risk factors for hearing loss these days, particularly in teens. To prevent hearing damage caused by these electronic devices you must consider using noise-canceling headphones when listening to music, do not go above 60 percent of the maximum volume, and do not use headphones for more than 60 minutes at a time. Breaks are key. If your child is blasting their iPod it’s time to educate them on safer listening volumes.


Get your hearing evaluated

Even if you think your hearing is perfect, it’s a good idea to have your family visit our McKinney, TX, ENT doctor and audiologist to make sure that everything is okay. In fact, gradual hearing loss can be more challenging for people to spot. Children and teens should get regular hearing screenings.


Of course, if you are concerned about your hearing or the hearing of a loved one you must schedule an evaluation as soon as possible. The sooner hearing loss is diagnosed the sooner we can start treating the problem.


If you or someone you love is developing hearing problems as a result of recurring ear infections, our McKinney, TX, ENT team is here to help. Call Texas Ear and Vestibular Institute at (469) 678-2211 to schedule an evaluation.

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