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Viewing 33 - 48 out of 66 posts


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The Importance of School Physicals

Does your child need a physical in order to participate in a sport? School physicals, offered by your Clearwater and Westchase, FL, pediatricians at Clearwater Pediatric Care and Westchase Pediatric Read More

Is Your Child Dealing With Asthma?

Though the words “chronic condition” are not something any parent wants to hear, childhood asthma is a problem that is both common and very manageable. If your child has been Read More

Childhood Allergy Symptoms and Treatments

Is your child suffering from allergies? Read below to learn the warning signs. From sneezing and coughing when playing outside to experiencing a stomach ache after eating certain foods, there are Read More

Caring For Your Newborn

The biggest, most joyful and scariest time of your life as a parent--yes, it's caring for your newborn. However, At Clearwater and Westchase Pediatric Care, your Clearwater and Westchase, FL, Read More

Is Your Child Dealing With Allergies?

Find out how to best manage your child’s allergy symptoms. Childhood allergies are actually pretty common. In fact, as many as 50 million Americans, including children, have some kind of allergy. Whether your Read More

Signs Your Child May Have Asthma

What your pediatricians in Westchase and Clearwater want you to know It’s natural to want to protect your child and when you see your child having difficulty breathing, it can be scary. It Read More

Causes and Treating Asthma in Children

Does your child or wheeze or frequently complain of chest pain? Asthma might be the cause of his or her symptoms. The pediatricians at Clearwater and Westchase Pediatric Care in Read More

Does My Child Need a School Physical?

If your child is in school, they may need to have an annual physical before beginning their school year. However, you may not know why they need this doctor’s visit Read More

When a Sore Throat Interrupts Your Child's Health

In infants, toddlers and preschoolers, the most frequent cause of sore throats is a viral infection. No specific medicine is required when a virus is responsible, and the child should Read More

How to Tell the Difference between Sinusitis and a Cold

Many people mistake a common cold for sinusitis, and vice versa, as the symptoms of a cold and a sinus infection can be quite similar to each other because the Read More

Get Help from Your Pediatrician

The Centers for Disease Control says that asthma accounts for 1.6 million visits to hospital emergency rooms in the United States annually. Overall, about eight percent of children suffer from Read More

Why Are Immunizations Important?

Has your child received the immunizations he or she needs to stay healthy? The Clearwater and Westchase, FL, pediatricians at Clearwater and Westchase Pediatric Care explain why vaccinating your child Read More

Kids and Bedwetting: When Should I Be Concerned?

Bedwetting is a common childhood problem. Many children who master toilet training during the day, usually between the ages of two and four, continue to experience episodes of bedwetting through the Read More

How to Keep Germs At Bay and Illnesses Away

Kids pick up germs all day, every day. Whether they are sharing toys, playing at day care or sitting in the classroom, whenever children are together, they are at risk Read More

Fever Phobia? When Parents Should Call Their Pediatrician

Generally, a fever is brought on by an infection from a virus or bacterial infection. While many times a parent’s first instinct is to worry when their child has a Read More

Introducing Solids: How to Transition from the Bottle to Spoon

Giving your baby his first spoonful of solid foods is an exciting time! Many parents look forward to the day their little one takes their first bite of rice cereal, Read More

Viewing 33 - 48 out of 66 posts


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