When Should I Have My Child Screened for Autism?

It’s important to remember that all children develop at different speeds. Sometimes, these developmental delays may be due to an issue that your child is dealing with. If you notice that your child is behind on some of their developmental skills, such as speaking or moving, this may be due to autism. All children should be screened for autism at some point in their lives, but it’s important to know when it may be necessary. Our pediatricians at Southwest Children’s Clinic in West Jordan, UT, can explain when autism screenings should be done for your child.

Getting Your Child Screened for Autism

Autism can be detected as soon as 18 months but is typically considered more reliable at age 2. The best way for our pediatrician in West Jordan, UT, to detect signs of autism is by watching your child’s developmental milestones and monitoring any delays that they may have. If your pediatrician notices that your child is lacking in milestones, they may consider an autism screening.

Being able to detect signs of autism as early as possible ensures that your child gets the proper care that they need in order to succeed as best as possible. Your child will also need to be screened if you have a family history of autism or any other learning disorders.

All children will be screened for autism at 9 months, 18 months, and 30 months. This helps spot any signs of autism that may have been missed otherwise. If signs of autism are detected, your pediatrician will help walk you through the process and explain any changes that your child may need.

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

It’s important that your child gets the care they need. Contact our pediatricians at Southwest Children’s Clinic in West Jordan, UT, to learn about autism screening and if your child is due. Call for more information and to schedule your appointment today at (801) 563-1975.

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