What Is the Best Thing To Do for Croup?

Croup can be a concerning condition for children due to the potential breathing difficulties it can cause. When your child's breathing becomes rapid, they exhibit signs of extreme fatigue, or their lips and skin turn pale or bluish - seek immediate medical attention.

Don't hesitate to visit Health Care for Children in Kansas City, MO, if your little one struggles to drink fluids, has a persistent barking cough, or experiences noisy, high-pitched sounds while inhaling. These symptoms may indicate a more severe case of croup requiring professional evaluation and treatment. Our compassionate pediatricians can provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure your child's well-being.

What Is the Best Thing To Do for Croup?

When your child has croup, several steps are a must to provide comfort and support for their recovery. First and foremost, try to remain calm, as your child will look to you for reassurance.

Moist air can help ease their symptoms, so take them into a steamy bathroom or create a makeshift humidifier by placing a bowl of hot water near their bed. Also, push them to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and soothe their throat with warm liquids like herbal tea or honey-infused warm water (for children over one-year-old). Elevating their head while sleeping can also alleviate breathing difficulties.

Moreover, keeping your child comfortable is essential. Soften the cough with a spoonful of honey or offer over-the-counter cough drops (for children older than four). Ensure they get ample rest and create a cozy environment by reading their favorite books or watching a movie together.

If symptoms persist or worsen, promptly consult a pediatrician for a thorough evaluation and appropriate croup treatment. Remember, your calm and supportive presence can make a significant difference during this challenging time.

When To Consult Our Pediatrician

If your child develops a harsh, barking cough accompanied by difficulty breathing or noisy, high-pitched sounds while inhaling, it's time to consult Health Care for Children. Croup, a common viral infection in young kids, can cause swelling in the airways, leading to these alarming symptoms.

Seek medical advice if your child shows signs of rapid breathing, pale or bluish skin, extreme fatigue, or struggles to drink fluids. Likewise, if your little one's cough worsens at night, making it hard to sleep, or if they exhibit signs of dehydration, such as decreased urination or dry mouth, call our office to rule out croup.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. If you have questions or concerns regarding croup in Kansas City, MO, and want to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians at Health Care for Children, call (816) 792-1170.

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