Do You Have an Issue with Ingrown Toenails?

Do You Have an Issue with Ingrown Toenails?

Ingrown toenails are common, and if one makes its way to your foot, pain, redness, swelling, and irritation will arise immediately. If you areIngrown Toenailhaving an issue with this condition, take a step toward relief by scheduling an appointment with Frank S. Campo of North End Foot Center in Boston, MA. Read on to learn more about ingrown toenails and how your local podiatrist can help treat them!


Ingrown Toenail Causes

The most common causes of ingrown toenails include:

  • Improper toenail trimming
  • Poor foot structure due to heredity
  • Tight shoes
  • Fungal infection
  • Injury

If painful symptoms occur frequently, our podiatrist may ask you a few questions about your lifestyle and footwear choices. This will help determine the cause of the problem and find a solution.


Ingrown Toenail Prevention

Ingrown toenails are preventable in a few ways, but because they are usually the result of improperly trimmed nails, we especially recommend taking care to cut the nail straight across. Avoid cutting the corners of the nail, and always be sure to wear shoes that allow your toes to breathe.


Non-invasive Treatment Options

He at our Boston office, we always explore non-invasive treatment options for ingrown toenails first before suggesting surgery. A warm foot soak in soapy water may alleviate skin inflammation, and so will avoiding tight footwear, tight socks, and high-heel shoes. We may prescribe antibiotics if an infection is present. In severe cases, we will perform a procedure to remove the infected toenail. You should never attempt to remove an ingrown toenail on your own.


Need Treatment? Give Us a Call

If you have issues with ingrown toenails and are seeking removal, contact podiatrist Frank S. Campo of North End Foot Center in Boston, MA, to discuss treatment options. To learn more about ingrown toenail treatments and the other services we provide, visit our website. If you need to request an appointment, or for questions and concerns, please call (617) 248-8682.

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Monday: 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Tuesday: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
Wednesday: 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM
Thursday (Administration Only): 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Friday: Cape Cod Clinic
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed