Faqs About Toenail Fungus Treatment

Faqs About Toenail Fungus Treatment

Have questions about toenail fungus? Toenail fungus infections are very common. Keep in mind that working together with your podiatrist will go a long way in helping you address your toenail fungus infection successfully. North End Foot Center, which is located in Boston, MA,Toenail Fungus offers a full range of podiatric services. Dr. Frank Campo is one of the top podiatrists in Boston, MA. Read on to get answers to frequently asked questions about toenail fungus.

What is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus is an infection underneath the surface of the toenail caused by fungus. Toenail fungus infections can range from a simple nuisance to a significant problem in a person’s life. A toenail fungus infection is progressive and won't go away on its own, without treatment. Proper detection, diagnosis and treatment can increase your chances of success and prevent long-term damage to the toenail.

What causes toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus infections are often caused by dermatophytes or fungi. Toenail fungus infections can spread from person to person. Fungal infections are more likely to affect toenails than fingernails, as fungi grow better in moist, warm conditions commonly associated with wearing socks and shoes. Other factors that can cause toenail fungus include nail injuries, nail deformities or disease, and having diabetes or a weakened immune system.

How can I prevent toenail fungus?

You can prevent toenail fungus by washing and drying your feet regularly. Keep your toenails trimmed short. Avoid walking barefoot in public places and wear shoes that properly fit. Don't share any personal care items such as towels, shoes, socks, nail clippers, or nail files with other people. A fungal infection can be spread by contact with an infected individual's personal care items. You can also prevent toenail fungus by using antifungal sprays or powders.

Do I have a toenail fungus infection?

The main symptom of a toenail fungus infection is a change in the appearance of the toenail. The toenail may turn yellow, white, or brown, change shape, lift up, or break off easily. Other signs of a toenail fungus infection include debris under the toenail and thickening of the toenail. Rarely, the condition causes a foul odor or pain. 

How does toenail fungus affect my life?

A toenail fungus infection can be emotionally distressing and have a negative effect on your quality of life. Many people who are suffering from toenail fungus infections feel embarrassed about their condition. Some people avoid wearing sandals because of how their toenails look. Toenail fungal nail infections can also lead to pain and mobility problems. It may become uncomfortable to stand, walk, exercise, and wear closed shoes. 

How is toenail fungus diagnosed?

If you think you have toenail fungus, it is a good idea to have a podiatrist diagnose the problem. In most cases, a diagnosis will be easy to make with a simple physical examination. 

How is toenail fungus treated?

Oral antifungal medications are prescribed to treat toenail fungus. These medications help the nail grow free of infection. Your podiatrist may have you apply a cream or powder that contains medicine that kills fungus. Topical nail lacquer is also used to treat toenail fungus infections. Topical nail lacquer works by stopping the growth of fungus. Laser therapy is one of the newer innovations in fighting toenail fungus. Laser therapy destroys the fungus completely. 

Toenail fungus is an embarrassing condition that impacts your quality of life. Say goodbye to toenail fungus. Call North End Foot Center at 617-248-8682 today to schedule an appointment in Boston, MA. Get your life back on track by receiving the best toenail fungus treatment available. We want you to live your best possible life!

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