One person dies every hour from oral cancer in the United States.... Do you get an oral cancer screen at your dental check-up???

In the news lately there is a discussion about the relation of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and oral-throat cancer, and yes, it is something to discuss....

HPV is dramatically rising and researchers are saying HPV positive oropharyngeal squamous cellcarcinoma (OPSCC) will most likely supass cervical cancer by 2020 as the most common associated cancer in the U.S. Seventy to eighty percent of the population is infected with some kind of the Human Papilloma Virus. History says most of these cancers are related to alcohol and smoking, bust recent studies are linking the HPV to some of the cancers.

Most Common Symptom of Oropharyngeal Cancer is a sore in the back or roof of the mouth that does not heal or mouth pain that doesn't go away.

When you are a patient of Dr. Le's he will thoroughly check all areas of your mouth and if anything is abnormal will perform an in office Invisalight screening! 

Stay in touch for more up to date Oral Cancer associated with HPV information!!!
