Diet and Nutrition


Birds need to have cold, fresh water to drink. Place a water bowl in the cage and change the water once or twice a day. Some cages have water dispensers that allow birds to drink when they want. However, these dispensers can get blocked, which frequently leads to dehydration. A water bowl or cup works well without this concern.


There are many commercially-available bird feed mixes designed to give each bird species the proper balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Seeds can make up part of the diet, but do not accommodate all of your bird’s nutritional needs. You can also give your bird fresh fruits and vegetables to help boost its immune system. Dark leafy greens have many of the vitamins birds need. Birds also like carrots, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini and dandelions. Favorite fruits include apples, pears, melons, plums, grapes, bananas, mango, papayas and some berries like strawberries and blueberries. Never feed your bird avocados or any fruit pits, such as in grapes or apples. Some bird species can have other proteins occasionally, like cottage cheese, yogurt or hard boiled eggs. Some seed-eating birds need cuttlebone and calcium blocks for the best mineral balance and health. Be sure to remove any uneaten food after a couple of hours.

Please note: Birds are sensitive to exposure to pesticides, which can lead to poisoning and gastric problems. Do not feed your bird any fresh vegetables or fruit that is not organic. Be certain no pesticides were used on the foods they ingest.

Diet and Nutrition