Archives for Bi-Weekly Column Continued 2



“Binocular fusion” is the enhanced, in-depth vision that results when both eyes work in tandem properly. This capability blends the eye muscles’ mechanical ability to work together and the brain’s ability to convert visual messages from both eyes into a single coherent image. However, as eye muscles tend to weaken with age, they may lose their ability to maintain good motor fusion. The most common fusion problem is associated with the age-related condition called “presbyopia,” which makes reading glasses necessary. As the ability of the eyes to focus on near objects (accommodation) deteriorates, along with the ability to focus both eyes together on the page (convergence), reading becomes very difficult. Fortunately, both problems may be helped with eyeglasses. Presbyopia can cause headaches, eye strain and visual fatigue that makes reading and other near vision tasks less comfortable and more tiring. Progressive lenses are the most popular solution for presbyopia for most people over age 40.  To schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Using the latest in technology, we provide professional eye care exams, contact lenses, and optical services for the entire family. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. People who read, perform a lot of close work, or use computers extensively are more prone to developing signs and symptoms of accommodative or convergence dysfunction.



There may be a good reason why some men do not always exhibit the best fashion sense, particularly when it comes to color coordination. The fact is that up to eight percent of men (and 0.5 percent of women) experience red-green “color deficiency” (also popularly referred to as “color blindness”). No two people actually see color the same way because color vision involves a complex interplay between photoreceptors (the rods and cones of the retina), the optic nerve, and the brain. Color deficiency is caused by genetic mutations in photoreceptors, which hamper their ability to detect blue, green, and/or red. Fortunately, there is a tinted lens that can help those with red-green color deficiency improve the perception of these colors. Although the lenses will not give you perfect color vision, they will allow you to see more colors and shades of colors. They can make colors more vivid and distinct, making these colors more easily recognizable to you. There is a test for color deficiency. It is simple and typically involves viewing a series of colored designs or objects. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Red-green color deficiency can be largely overcome by wearing a red-tinted contact lens on the non-dominant eye.



The shape of the “cornea,” the transparent dome of tissue covering the iris and pupil, plays a large role in determining how sharp a person’s vision is. When light enters the eye, the cornea is part of the mechanism that helps focus the image sharply upon the retina. If the cornea is too steeply curved, however, the image will focus in front of the retina. This “nearsighted” condition causes distant objects to look blurry. If the cornea is too flat, it results in “farsightedness” and an inability to focus on nearby objects. “Astigmatism” is characterized by an irregular cornea. Fortunately, corrective lenses can remedy any of these conditions to help the eyes focus properly. No matter what your eye condition, or how you choose to view the world, there are now prescription lenses that meet your unique lifestyle and vision correction needs. To schedule an appointment, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our experienced frame stylists will make sure you get the look you desire, from traditional to contemporary to just plain fun! Our computerized program will help you decide which frame suits you best. It allows you to compare four different frames on your face at once. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness are all known as “refractive (light-bending) errors.”



Children require eyeglass frames and lenses that complement their lifestyles and satisfy their safety needs. As a starting point, parents of young children should select frames that carry a manufacturer guarantee to cover repairs and provide replacement parts for one to two years. The hinges at the temples should be able to be bent outward without breaking, and nosepieces should be adjustable to prevent slipping. Wraparound end pieces ensure that children can wear their glasses while playing without fear of them falling off. Polycarbonate lenses address the breakage issue with a shatter-resistant, space-age material. Once these important requirements are met, parents and their children can focus on the fashion aspects of their purchases. Approximately one out of five children need to wear glasses. Unfortunately, it can be hard to get children to wear them. Children can find glasses uncomfortable, unstylish or too fragile for an active life. The good news is that there are strong, comfortable, stylish frames now made for children. These glasses not only improve vision, but they look great. For more information about eyewear, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. One of the most challenging aspects of choosing suitable frames for young children is that their noses are not fully developed, so they do not have a bridge to prevent plastic frames from sliding down. Frames with adjustable nose pads help.



Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 40. This condition develops when proteins in the eye lens become damaged, resulting in cloudiness of the eye lens and consequent blurry vision. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. Steps can be taken to stave off the development of cataracts beginning with shading our eyes from the sun with sunglasses. As far as diet is concerned, observational studies suggest that an antioxidant-rich diet is associated with a decreased risk of cataracts. While this association has yet to be proven by a trial, it certainly cannot hurt to boost our intake of the antioxidant vitamin C. When left untreated, cataracts may eventually cause blindness in most cases. Advanced technology lenses (multi-focal and accommodating lenses), which reduce your need for glasses following cataract surgery, are an exciting new option! To learn more about cataract surgery and eyewear, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. If you’ve had cataract surgery and your vision has decreased since then, we recommend you have a complete eye exam. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. The AREDS2 study suggests that the carotenoids “lutein” and “zeaxanthin” (found in green leafy vegetables, green or yellow vegetables, and egg yolks) have been associated with a 32% reduction in the progression of cataracts.



While all eyeglass lenses used to be made of glass, plastic lenses are now preferred for their lighter weight, especially in large frames or high-powered prescriptions. Regular plastic (CR-39) lenses are not only more comfortable than glass lenses, but they are more impact-resistant. They also may scratch more easily than glass, but plastic lenses can be treated with scratch-resistant coatings to make the lenses resistant to the tiny scratches. However, this option will not protect plastic lenses that are mishandled or placed lens-side down. For even lighter weight and greater impact resistance, polycarbonate lenses are a good choice for athletes and children. Although durable, it is essential that this type of plastic lens be treated with a scratch-resistant coating. The polycarbonate material used for eyeglass lenses was developed by the aerospace industry for use in helmet visors worn by astronauts. Today, it is used for a wide variety of products including: motorcycle windshields, luggage, bulletproof glass, swimming goggles and safety glasses. For more information about eyewear, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle and vision needs. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Another way to give your lenses a slimmer, more attractive profile is to choose an “aspheric design” in which the lens curvature changes gradually from the center of the lens to its edge, enabling flatter curves without degrading the optical performance.



Those small specks that float across the fields of some people’s vision are called “floaters.” In actuality, they are the shadows that are cast upon the retina by tiny clumps of cells in the jelly-like fluid of the eyeball called vitreous humor. These clumps of undissolved material are the result of age-related changes in the vitreous humor. As annoying as they may be, they usually subside and become less noticeable in short order. While their appearance does not necessarily point to a serious eye disorder, floaters do signal a medical emergency in one instance. Floaters that are accompanied by flashing lights, spots, or a “curtain” that veils vision constitute a medical emergency (possibly retinal detachment). At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. During a complete eye exam, your eye doctor will not only determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses, but will also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Eye floaters are particularly visible against an overcast sky or a computer screen with a white or light-colored background.



At the top of every woman’s eyeglasses list is cat-eye glasses, which are, and always will be, a symbol of femininity. This form of eyewear, worn by 1950s stars such as Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn, features thick rims and hinge-attachments at the up-turned top corner of each lens. The style recalls the shape of the tail fins of America’s equally iconic road cars of the same era. Prior to the introduction of cat-eye glasses, the public generally followed Dorothy Parker’s dictum that “men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.” However, after the sultry look of cat-eye glasses took hold, nothing could be further from the truth. Cat-eye glasses are as beguiling today as they were then. Cat-eye glasses are retro and evoke confidence. They let the world know that you want your glasses to be seen! At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we are happy to work with you in selecting frames that complement your features as well as communicate your personality and personal style. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle and vision needs. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. If you decide to go with cat-eye glasses, consider choosing a red or black frame.



“Convergence insufficiency” (CI) is the term used to describe eyes that do not work together when a person is trying to focus on a nearby object. Not only can this vision disorder lead to eye fatigue, headaches, and double vision (“diplopia”), but it can also make it difficult for children to read. In the past, convergence insufficiency may have been overlooked because it is not included in pediatricians’ tests and school screenings. It is possible to pass a 20/20 (Snellen chart) test and still have convergence insufficiency. Diagnosis can be made by an optometrist after measuring convergence with some simple tests. Professional treatment consisting of office-based eye exercises and at-home techniques for reinforcement is effective.

Convergence insufficiency generally cannot be improved with eyeglasses or surgery. That’s why a vision therapy program that includes exercises may be needed to improve eye coordination abilities, reduce symptoms, and alleviate discomfort when doing close work. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. One treatment option for convergence insufficiency is the “pencil pushup,” which consists of focusing on a small letter on the side of a pencil as it is moved closer to the bridge of the nose and stopping when double vision occurs.



Whether you are a hunter or a sports shooter, you want sports eyewear that protects your eyes and optimizes your vision (particularly if you wear prescription lenses). Because most standard sunglasses and eyeglass frames sit low on the face, shooters’ eyes often catch the upper rim of the frame when they lower their heads to shoot. With this in mind, oversized frames and frames that sit high on the face are recommended. Frame styles with a “sweat bar” that runs the width of the frame above the lenses add stability to the frame for a secure fit. As far as lenses are concerned, impact-resistant polycarbonate lenses and a similar lightweight material called “Trivex” provide maximum blow-back and bounce-back protection. Most shooting occurs outside, where elements such as dust, wind, sun, trees, and vegetation can potentially harm eyes. It’s important to use eye protection at all times when engaged in shooting activities, indoors and outside. If you need prescription lenses, you can order your lenses in various colors of your choice. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Shooting and hunting glasses with an anti-reflective coating on their lenses reduce glare and reflection. A yellow tint enhances contrast and absorbs blue light (found on overcast days).



“Ocular dominance,” otherwise referred to as “eye preference” or “eyedness,” is the tendency to prefer to view images from one eye over the other. In other words, the dominant eye is the one that looks directly at an object while the non-dominant eye looks at the same object at a slight angle. The brain takes note of this slight difference to provide us with depth perception. This all occurs unconsciously, of course. So, why would a person want to know which is his or her dominant eye? Ocular dominance is important in cases where a person wants to utilize “monovision” to reduce the need for reading glasses or bifocals. Shooters and archers also take aim with their dominant eyes. If a strong degree of dominance is not apparent in an eye test, it's more likely a person has mixed ocular dominance, where one eye is dominant for certain functions or tasks, and the other eye is dominant at different times. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Approximately two-thirds of the population is right-eye dominant and one-third left-eye dominant; in a small portion of the population, neither eye is dominant.


“Bridge” (the part of the frame between the lenses that sits on the nose) measurement and type are important factors to consider when determining the perfect fit of a pair of eyeglass frames. A “keyhole bridge,” which is most appropriate for individuals with nose bridges that are small or flat, is shaped like an old-fashioned keyhole and rests on the sides of the upper part of the nose. As for the “saddle bridge,” it is shaped like its namesake and spreads the weight of the frame across the sides and the top of the nose. An adjustable bridge includes nose pads that can be adjusted, while a double bridge has a reinforcing bar over the top of the bridge. Glasses say so much about your personality and personal style. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we are happy to work with you in selecting frames that complement your features. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle and vision needs. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Bridge size, the second of four measurements engraved on the inside of the eye temple (arm piece), is the distance between the two eyeglass lenses (in millimeters) and typically ranges from 14mm to 24mm.


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children between ages 3 and 18 spend no more than a maximum of two daily hours in front of TVs, computer screens, and tablets. However, most children in this age group exceed this limit by a factor of at least three. With this in mind, the American Optometric Association recommends that parents have their children’s eyes checked annually and review their children’s workstations for possible causes of eye strain. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), which is becoming increasingly common among children, leads to symptoms including eye discomfort, fatigue, blurred vision, and headaches. Because these symptoms can adversely affect academic performance and reading enjoyment, it is important to treat them effectively and eliminate their causes. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. Your vision is important to you, and it is important to us. We offer the latest examination and treatment procedures and are prepared to attend to all of your eye care needs.  By diagnosing eye and vision conditions early, our optometrist can provide treatment options, and in many cases, restore or prevent vision loss. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. If necessary, parents should take steps to ensure that children spend screen time in a glare-free environment.


The eye’s focusing ability relies primarily on the refracting (light-bending) power of the cornea and the eye lens. The greatest amount of refraction occurs at the outer surface of the cornea. While the cornea has a fixed curvature, the lens can change its refracting power by actually altering its shape. When the eye looks at an object further than 20 feet away, the lens maintains its minimum curvature. When the eye looks at something closer, the lens increases its curvature (and its refractive power) to bring the image of the object into focus on the retina. Called “accommodation,” this lens-focusing ability is controlled by the brain in response to a blurry image on the retina. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. During a complete eye exam, your eye doctor will not only determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses, but will also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. The distance between the “near point” (least distance of distinct vision) and the “farpoint” (the maximum distance up to which the normal eye can see things clearly) is called the “range of vision.”


Those with an eye for fashion may want an updated list of the most stylish eyeglass frames for 2017. If so, look no farther than tortoiseshell frames and horn-rimmed glasses made of quality acetate. Aside from the traditional semi-transparent mottled yellow and brown, there are many other color palettes of tortoiseshell, with dark tones tending to dominate. While rectangular tortoiseshell frames are always popular, women may want to up their fashion quotient with more exclusive cat’s-eye frames. In addition, both men and women may decide to go in the opposite direction by opting for clear frames, which are second only to tortoiseshell as one of the most popular eyewear trends of the year. SKOWRON EYE CARE offers a large selection of high-end designer frames, eyeglasses, and sunglasses. We also offer a wide variety of contact lenses that are guaranteed to suit your individual needs. Our certified opticians will help you select the style, shape, and color of eyewear that are right for you and your children. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Black eyeglass frames are statement pieces that are always in style.


Whether you intend to take to the courts, the playing field, or the golf links this summer, you want to give yourself the greatest chance of performing to your maximum potential. Since good vision is essential to eye-hand coordination, you will want to see the ball as best you can. To this end, baseball and softball players may want to equip their sports glasses with amber lenses, which maximize visual acuity and contrast sensitivity by blocking out blue light. For tennis, blue lenses are preferred for their ability to brighten the yellow color of tennis balls. Golfers often wear grey lenses to block out the light and improve contrast sensitivity, thereby helping them to better gauge distances. Most optical shops have tint samples you can use to help you decide which colors are best for you. Try to evaluate the lenses in lighting conditions that match those you will experience most often during your sport. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle and vision needs. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Sports lenses with a yellow tint are preferred for hunting and shooting as well as night baseball played under the lights.


If you are an older adult who wants to read faster, there is some evidence indicating that using electronic devices may help. A study involving both younger adults (ages 21-34) and older adults (ages 60-77), whose reading abilities were tracked via electroencephalogram (EEG), measured their eye speed over the page. While all participants preferred reading white printed pages initially, the older adults found themselves reading more efficiently and comfortably with electronic devices. The younger adults showed no difference in reading ability among the different formats. The improved reading ability of older adults was likely due to backlighting and shifting text size. These features help offset the age-related loss of contrast sensitivity, as well as the effects of cataracts and macular degeneration. The American Optometric Association recommends annual or bi-annual eye and vision exams, depending on whether you are at risk or not. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. Here, you will find a compassionate and experienced team who are dedicated to providing a full spectrum of high-quality personalized eye care. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. The American Optometric Association recommends that readers take a break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds in order to avoid eye strain (“asthenopia”).


Eyeglasses have attained such lofty status as stylish accessories that many people often wear them simply to make a fashion statement. Non-prescription eyewear, called “Plano eyeglasses,” is worn by people with a perfect vision for cosmetic purposes. Much in the way that a woman would pick a particular handbag to match a pair of shoes or boots, she might select a certain pair of Plano eyeglasses to complement her outfit or project an image. Not only do the frames of these fashion-forward eyeglasses draw the attention of onlookers, but they can also be outfitted with tinted non-prescription lenses that add to any desired effect. Plano eyeglasses can also be worn simply to block the wind or flying dust on windy days. Glasses say so much about your personality and personal style. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we are happy to work with you in selecting frames that complement your features. Our experienced optometry professionals work closely with you to select the proper frames to fit your budget as well as your cosmetic, lifestyle, and vision needs. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Plano eyeglasses are sometimes worn by individuals with a perfect vision to project a more serious or mature attitude in the workplace.


As pregnant women experience changes in hormones, metabolism, fluid retention, and blood circulation, their eyes and vision may be affected as a result. For instance, water retention may cause the thickness and curvature of their corneas to increase slightly, which can affect how well their eyeglasses or contacts correct their vision. Most women find that they are a bit more nearsighted during their pregnancies, but not enough to warrant a change in lens prescription. With all this in mind, pregnancy is not a good time for women to invest in a new pair of glasses. Fortunately, any pregnancy-related changes in vision that they do experience are temporary and will revert to normal within months of delivery. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we provide comprehensive, primary eye care for the entire family. Preventative and routine eye exams are important to maintaining good eye health. Often, eye and vision problems do not have obvious symptoms or signs but are easily diagnosed by a licensed optometrist. To schedule an appointment, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Women are likely to find that their eyes are drier and more irritated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


If you are a woman who has just started wearing prescription eyeglasses for the first time, bear in mind that lenses that correct for nearsightedness tend to make eyes seem smaller. With this in mind, you may want to make some adjustments to your makeup regimen. To better help your eyes stand out from behind the frames, try filling in your brows with a pencil or powder that matches your hair color. Next, choose an eyeshadow that will contrast with the color of your frames. Conversely, since farsighted lenses magnify the eyes, you may want to apply eyeliner with a light hand, staying close to the lash line and avoiding clumps that would be even more noticeable. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we offer a large selection of high-end designer frames, eyeglasses, and sunglasses. We also offer a wide variety of contact lenses that are guaranteed to suit your individual needs. Come in today and let us help you select the style, shape, and color of eyeglasses or sunglasses that are right for you. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Women whose vision is very blurry without their glasses should inquire about “make-up glasses,” which allow wearers to fold each of the lenses away individually. As a result, one eye can see very well while make-up is applied to the other one.


“Keratoconus” is a condition that is characterized by a cornea that bulges into a cone shape due to thinning of this transparent outer layer of the eye. As a result, keratoconus is likely to cause distorted vision in its earliest stages as incoming light is irregularly refracted by the cornea. There may also be increased sensitivity to glare and light. These symptoms may first appear in a person’s teens and twenties, after which the condition may progress slowly. To correct the nearsightedness and astigmatism associated with keratoconus in its early stages, either soft contacts or eyeglasses may be used. After that, rigid gas permeable contact lenses may be needed. If the cornea stabilizes, no further treatment may be required. Corneal transplant surgery is necessary for very advanced keratoconus due to scarring, extreme thinning or contact lens intolerance. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and our highly qualified staff to work as a team to consistently deliver quality, affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Symptoms of keratoconus include blurred or distorted vision, increased sensitivity to bright light and glare, sudden worsening or clouding of vision, and a need for frequent changes in eyeglass prescriptions.


Eyeglass frames must look good as well as fit well if they are going to be a comfortable and effectively correct vision. For instance, if eyeglasses slide down the nose, the lenses’ optical centers will not line up with the wearer’s irises. As a result, the lens prescription will not provide eyes with all the available correcting ability. Sliding frames also provoke wearers into the irritating habit of having to constantly reposition the frames on their noses. Eye specialists can fix both of these problems by ad


According to the first study to measure sensory loss among seniors, 28% of those tested had three, four, or five sensory deficits, while 38% had two deficits, and 64% had one. This is an important study because our senses of taste, touch, hearing, vision, and smell help guide us as we make our way in the world. As far as the vision portion of the study is concerned, researchers measured the study participants’ ability to see under typical home lighting conditions while wearing their glasses or contact lenses. They found that about 80% of the seniors had a good corrected vision, but 14% displayed only fair corrected vision, and 6% had poor corrected vision. Regular eye exams are essential.  Regardless of your age or physical health, an annual comprehensive eye exam will help to detect any eye problems at their early stages when they're most treatable. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. We’ve invested in technology to make exam findings easier and more accurate for everyone from toddlers to seniors. Our professionals maintain the highest levels of accreditation and pursue ongoing education to stay current on the latest trends in ophthalmology. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Research links poor vision in seniors to depression and overall poor quality of life.


Because “aspherical” eyeglass lenses are designed with less curvature than their traditional counterparts, they can be produced with a slimmer profile. In addition, their technically advanced design enables aspheric lenses to eliminate the distortions that wearers of conventional lenses encounter when they look toward the edges of their lenses. Moreover, aspheric lenses are lighter than conventional lenses. By taking advantage of aspheric lenses’ lighter weight and thinner design, those with strong lens prescriptions can avail themselves of more frame options. Aspheric lenses also afford wearers with a more natural appearance of their eyes because they reduce the eye magnification that occurs with farsightedness and the smaller appearance of the eye that occurs with nearsightedness. SKOWRON EYE CARE offers a wide variety of contact lenses that are guaranteed to suit your individual needs. Our certified opticians will help you select the style, shape, and color of eyeglasses or sunglasses that are right for you and your children. Visit us for an eye exam and get fitted for a new pair of eyeglasses or contact lenses. We feature the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. “High index” lens material, which has the ability to more efficiently bend light, allows lenses to be made thinner than conventional lens materials.


If something is in your eye, resist the urge to rub it. Instead, try flushing the eye with water in an eyecup or small glass. Place the rim of the glass on the bone at the base of the eye socket, and then gently tip the glass and let the water run over your eye while keeping it open. If this doesn’t remove the foreign body, seek emergency medical care. If something is in someone else’s eye, examine the eye by gently pulling the lower lid downward while the person looks upward. Reverse the procedure for the upper lid. You may be able to flush it out or remove it manually with a moistened cotton swab. Whether it’s for regular eye exams, to find the right pair of contact lenses or eyewear or for more advanced eye care services, your eye doctor should have the right combination of experience, expertise, and people skills to make you comfortable. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our computerized program will help you select the frame that best suits you. It allows you to compare four different frames at once! At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Wash your hands before working to remove any foreign object in your eye and rinse your hands well so you do not further irritate your eye with soap residue from your fingers.


According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), each day about 2,000 U.S. workers sustains job-related eye injuries that require medical treatment. The tragedy is that the vast majority of these injuries are preventable. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that workers use protective eyewear such as goggles, face shields, safety glasses, or full face respirators when their work poses a threat to the health of their eyes. Those working at home should take the same precautions. Ordinary eyewear does not afford the same degree of protection that safety glasses provide. Safety glasses must meet standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Look for the “Z87” mark on the lens or frame.It’s important to wear protective lenses or goggles that have UV protection if you work in a hazardous environment like a construction zone or workshop, or participate in ball sports or extreme sports. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our computerized program will help you select the frame that best suits you. It allows you to compare four different frames at once! At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Polycarbonate lenses offer the highest degree of protection of any lens material.


When eye muscles become strained from spending long periods in front of computer screens, “visual fatigue” can set in. Symptoms include difficulty focusing, burning/stinging eyes, and headaches. The workers most likely to find that they need new or updated occupational lenses are people over age 40 whose eyes are beginning to lose their ability to focus easily and quickly. Other candidates are those workers who have recently switched to using the computer for longer periods of time. Visual fatigue is often also a problem with children who use computers to do homework or play video games for extended periods. A switch to glasses prescribed for work (or play) is likely to reduce the eye strain that often leads to a headache. Visual fatigue can be diagnosed by an eye doctor through an annual eye exam and a discussion on your lifestyle and work habits. If you have visual fatigue, your eye doctor has new technology designed to help you combat it. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our goal is to help you maintain a lifetime of healthy, clear, comfortable vision by using the latest in technology from in-vogue eyewear and eyeglasses to complex contact lenses to LASIK eye surgery. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Reading a computer screen requires different skills from the eyes that are required to read a book or newspaper due to the color and contrast of the letters, the lighting, and the angle of the text.


One good reason to avoid exposing the eyes to the sun for prolonged periods is the potential for developing a “pterygium.” This fleshy, wedge-shaped, non-cancerous growth may develop on the cornea. It usually starts out on the inside corner of the eye on the membrane that covers the white of the eye (conjunctiva). From there, it can extend out into the cornea. A pterygium is more typically seen on people who have a lot of sun exposure or chronic eye irritation due to dry, dusty, windy conditions. It may remain small, but a growth is sometimes large enough to interfere with vision. It may block light entering the eye or it may change the cornea’s shape sufficiently to distort vision. A pterygium usually occurs on the side of the eye closest to the nose, but it also can develop on the side closer to the ear. It can affect one eye or both eyes. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Experience, commitment to technology, and a genuine concern for patient welfare enable all of our doctors and our highly qualified staff to work as a team to consistently deliver quality, affordable eye care. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. A pterygium usually does not require any treatment unless it is blocking vision or causing severe discomfort.


For those blinded by glare while driving or sitting at their computers, “anti-reflective” lens coating is quite a desirable option. While coatings of this type were once deemed to be smudge-prone and hard to clean, newer anti-smudge/anti-fog technology provides significant improvements. As far as other types of lens coatings are concerned, most lenses come with ultraviolet protection; if not, it is a good idea to opt for one, since it reduces the risk of cataracts that comes with exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. Going one step further, a “photochromic” coating not only shields the eyes from UV rays but it also increasingly darkens lenses with exposure to sunlight. This is helpful for those not wishing to carry separate sunglasses. Buying eyeglass lenses is not easy. In a recent issue, Consumer Reports magazine said, "There are so many choices for lenses and coatings, it's easy to be confused about what's worth buying.” For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. Our frame stylists will make sure you get the look you want from traditional to contemporary to just plain fun. Our computerized program will help you select the frame that best suits you. It allows you to compare four different frames at once! At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. While there is no strong evidence that blue light damages the retina or increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration or cataracts, there are “blue-light-blocking” coatings available that are said to reduce exposure to computer screens’ LED light.


The newest look in men’s eyeglass frames is aviator-style glasses with round lenses. This retro-futuristic style is helped along by metal bridges and translucent plastic frames that bring a Mad Max sensibility to the traditional James Dean look. To push the boundaries on this fashion-forward look further, men may opt for mirrored lenses that are fitted to frames with wood-textured finishes. Another updated look at a fashion staple has Wayfarers outfitted with dual-tone acetate frames and keyhole accents, which ups their sporty look. Finally, if traditional browline frames are preferred, they can be updated with metal bridges and vibrant colors. Colored lenses also give the retro 50s shape of browlines added visual interest. SKOWRON EYE CARE offers a large selection of high-end designer frames, eyeglasses and sunglasses. We also offer a wide variety of contact lenses that are guaranteed to suit your individual needs. We will help you select the style, shape, and color of eyeglasses or sunglasses that are right for you. For more information, please call us today. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. For women, the hottest look in eyeglasses features exaggerated cat’s-eye frames.


Because farsighted individuals see distant objects more clearly than near objects, they must often squint their eyes to read and perform other up-close tasks. Unless this refraction error is corrected with prescription lenses before a farsighted child reaches first grade, he or she is likely to lose ground on reading skills. This was the finding of the first large-scale study to examine farsightedness and reading readiness among 4- and 5-year-olds. It is estimated that 4 percent to 14 percent of preschool children have moderate farsightedness, which children rarely complain about because they are not aware that anything is wrong with their vision. Thus, it is highly recommended that parents schedule comprehensive eye exams for their preschoolers. Eye exams for children are extremely important. Experts say 5 to 10 percent of preschoolers and 25 percent of school-aged children have vision problems. Early identification of a child’s vision problem is crucial because, if left untreated, some childhood vision problems can cause permanent vision loss. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. We make exam findings easier and more accurate from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Common signs of farsightedness include difficulty in concentrating on near objects, eye strain, fatigue and/or headaches after close work, aching or burning eyes, and irritability or nervousness after sustained concentration.


In order for prescription eyeglass lenses to fit properly and work effectively, it is essential to know the distance between the wearer’s pupils so that the lenses’ optical centers line up directly in front of the pupils. Neglecting to perform this simple fitting procedure can result in less than optimum corrected vision. Matching pupils to the optical center of corrective lenses is particularly important for people with higher prescriptions, individuals bothered by small prescription errors, and those wearing special lenses such as “progressives.” Failure to center the eyes of these wearers properly with respect to the lenses may result in headaches and eye fatigue. These potential problems can be avoided with a fitting by an experienced eye professional. Despite the availability of contact lenses and vision correction surgery, eyeglasses are more popular today than ever. Advances in lens and frame technology have given eyeglass wearers more choices. The opticians at SKOWRON EYE CARE will explain what products and processes are available today and how they work to give you the best vision possible. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. If eyeglass frames are not fitted properly to the face, the bridge may slip down the nose and alter the alignment between the pupils and the optical centers of the lenses.


While “cataract” is primarily an age-related condition, diet may play a role in this clouding of the eye lens. Some studies have indicated that people who consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables and small quantities of foods containing saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium are less likely to develop cataracts than people with not-so-healthy diets. In addition, there is research suggesting that having high blood levels of “lutein” (an important nutrient found in leafy greens, tomatoes, squash, and carrots) and “zeaxanthin” (a powerful, natural antioxidant found in leafy greens, bell peppers, corn, and eggs) is also associated with a lower cataract risk. Other data shows that vitamin C may exert a protective effect against cataracts. When we evaluate your eye health, we will carefully examine your lens for signs of cataract formation. If surgery is necessary, keep in mind that cataract surgery is one of the safest and most effective surgical procedures performed today. To learn more, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. We make exam findings easier and more accurate from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Because obesity is linked to cataract development, it may help to avoid sugary snacks and soft drinks.


The insidious eye disease known as glaucoma has widely been referred to as the “silent thief of sight” because it strikes without warning and is the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness. It takes a professional eye exam to catch this “thief.” Diagnosis of glaucoma is made on the basis of three primary factors: an increase in intraocular pressure, the pressure within the eyeball; characteristic changes in the visual field, specifically a loss of peripheral (side) vision; and signs of damage to the optic nerve. Once the diagnosis is made, it is possible to manage the disease with medication and/or surgery. Without a diagnosis, those with glaucoma may lose their vision before they ever know that there is a problem. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment for glaucoma can involve the use of medications, conventional (bladed) surgery, laser surgery or a combination of these treatments. At SKOWRON EYE CARE, we have invested in the latest technology to enable us to properly diagnose, treat, and manage glaucoma. We make exam findings easier and more accurate from toddlers to seniors. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. It is important to get your eyes examined regularly because early diagnosis and treatment can minimize or prevent optic nerve damage and limit glaucoma-related vision loss.


The most popular sunglasses lately are so bold and stylish that they have the ability to transform a wearer’s entire look. One of the biggest trends involves mirrored lenses in a variety of colors and shapes that draw stares and return reflections. Also popular are round sunglass lenses that take the look of the 70s two steps further with bold retro frames. Those with round faces may also be interested in flat-top frames that contrast a severe top line with a rounded bottom, which helps elongate the face. Their look is similar to classic “wayfarers,” the definition of cool. Last, but hardly least, color-blocked shades mix up bold blocks of color that add an element of fun to sunglasses.

Whether or not you require vision correction, sunglasses can add an element of comfort and enhanced performance to your activities, while helping you look great. For clear, comfortable vision outdoors or when driving, prescription sunglasses can eliminate glare which can reduce vision and cause eye strain. For more information, please call SKOWRON EYE CARE. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Color-blocked sunglasses with high-contrast black and white frames are destined to become classics.


The most common material used to make quality plastic eyeglass frames is “acetate,” which is also known as “zyl” (Zylonite or cellulose acetate). This natural plastic is derived from cotton fibers and wood pulp, which means that zyl frames come from renewable sources and are constructed of eco-friendly material. Along with being relatively inexpensive and lightweight, zyl frames are available in a wide variety of colors, including multi-colored models and frames with different layers of colors. These characteristics make these frames very popular among those wishing to show their playful sides with different colors and patterns. From a practical standpoint, acetate frames are hypoallergenic, extremely flexible, and much more durable than injection-molded frames, which have less of an organic feel. Using the latest in technology, SKOWRON EYE CARE offers a large selection of fashionable frames and sunglass styles as well as a wide variety of contact lenses that are guaranteed to suit your individual needs. We feature a large selection of quality eyewear including designer frames. Some of our brands include Ray Ban, Fossil, Gucci, Silhouette, Nine West, Juicy Couture, Coach, Maui Jim, and Cole Haan. At Skowron Eye Care, our mission is your vision.

P.S. Buffalo horn, one of the oldest types of eyeglass frames, is made from the horn of the African Water Buffalo. One of its chief characteristics is it warms to the body’s temperature, making it popular among luxury eyeglass wearers.

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