Viewing 1 - 16 out of 99 posts


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Surprising Ways to Prevent Cavities

There are numerous ways to prevent cavities. Some, like brushing your teeth regularly and visiting our CYNTHIANA, Kentucky office, are more obvious than others. Beyond the standard methods of preventing Read More

Summer Break: An ideal time for wisdom teeth removal

After your son or daughter departs for college, the last thing you want to get is a call or text to learn he or she is in pain. the doctor Read More

The Effects of Biting Your Nails

Also known as onchophagia, the habit of nail biting is one of the so-called “nervous habits” that can be triggered by stress, excitement, or boredom. Approximately half of all kids Read More

Memorial Day: Parades, remembrance, and the unofficial start of summer!

“The purpose of all war is peace.” - Saint Augustine Fire truck sirens, baton twirlers, marching bands covering patriotic tunes, colorful floats, costumes, and millions of red, white, and blue American Read More

Is Charcoal Teeth Whitening Safe?

Health and beauty trends surface on the web every day, and it can be difficult to tell which ones are worth your time, or even safe, for that matter. Perhaps Read More

Summer is Almost Here: Tips for a bright, white smile!

Summer is almost here, which means a season full of vacations, adventures and great memories is just around the corner for our patients at Cynthiana Dental Center. Everyone wants a Read More

Toothaches and Abscesses

With the doctor, emergency dental care is only a phone call away. Dental problems are uncomfortable and should always be treated as soon as possible to prevent them from getting Read More

Mall Whitening: Why You Shouldn’t

A shopping mall is a great place to get lots of errands done in one trip. Department stores, clothing boutiques, specialty shops? So many tempting options all in one place. Read More

Every Day is Earth Day

During the early days of the environmental awareness movement, those who demonstrated against pollution, toxic chemicals, and the general public health were known as hippies. The early 1970s were a Read More

Dental X-rays and Your Child

We’re parents, so we worry. It comes with the job description! That’s why we make sure our children use toothbrushes with soft bristles and apply just the right amount of Read More

Snowball Effect

Winter and its snowball fights are behind us, true, but there might be another kind of snowball heading your way—the snowball effect you risk when small dental concerns are ignored Read More

When Snoring Becomes More Than Just Annoying

Snoring occurs when the tissues in the throat relax enough to block part of our airways, or physical conditions such as enlarged tonsils or a deviated septum prevent air from Read More

Interproximal Cavities: The Inside Story

Time to brush! So, you make sure you gently brush the plaque off the outside surfaces of your teeth. You want to present a gleaming smile to the world, after Read More

Going Green for St. Patrick’s Day?

Happily for all of us who like to celebrate with friends and family, there’s no need to be Irish to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day. Every March 17th, many of us Read More

March is National Nutrition Month!

While you don’t have to wait to start eating right, March is the month the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics asks everyone to pay special attention to what goes into Read More

Is soda really bad for your teeth?

You take a sip of soda – and someone remarks, “That’s going to ruin your teeth!” Is that true? Is sweet soda the enemy of a healthy smile? The answer, unfortunately, Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 99 posts


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