Close the Gaps In Your Smile

Dental Implants Replace Missing TeethTooth loss remains a very common problem for a large number of American adults. If you have been living with tooth loss, rest assured that you are not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 45% of adults over the age of 30 are missing at least one tooth. And while the risk for periodontal disease and tooth loss generally increases after age 65, it can happen to anyone at any time. Edison, NJ based dentists Dr. Saul Frechtman and Dr. David Frechtman recommend dental implants for adult patients suffering partial or full tooth loss.

Improve Your Smile and Oral Health with Dental Implants in Edison, NJ

Most dental restorations restore the crown of a missing tooth, but implants also replace the root, which helps to secure the crown in place and prevents the erosion of the bone tissue in your gums, a major side effect of tooth loss and a threat to oral health. Using a small titanium screw, the dentist will surgically place the implant in the socket of the missing tooth, which then fuses with the surrounding bone tissue (known as osseointegration).

The cosmetic crown is then attached to the implant, which looks, functions and feels just like a natural tooth. Implants are biocompatible and have a very high success rate when cared for properly. In addition to practicing rigorous oral hygiene, you must also commit to regular follow up care and check-ups with the dentist to avoid complications.

An implant can replace a single tooth or anchor a complete set of dentures with just a few implants. Dental implants are available for adult patients in good general health. You must also have enough bone density to support the implant.

Find a Dentist in Edison, NJ

For more information about dental implants and other smile restoration options, contact Frechtman Family Dental by calling (732) 548-8600 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saul or Dr. David today.

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