Could Dental Sealants Help My Child's Smile?

Might this simple preventive dentistry procedure promote better oral health in your little one?Dental Sealants


You want to do whatever possible to keep your child’s growing smile healthy. Of course, making sure that they brush and floss regularly and visit our Edison, NJ, family dentists Drs. Saul and David Frechtman every six months are two surefire ways to maintain good oral health. Of course, there are other measures you can take to ensure that cavities don’t happen to your child.

With the increase in sugar and sodas, it’s no wonder that more and more children are presenting with decay. While avoiding these foods and beverages is the best option, we know that children want to partake in some of these treats every once in a while. Unfortunately, back teeth tend to be prone to decay more than other teeth since it’s often more challenging to clean in between all the nooks and crannies of their chewing surfaces. While teaching your child how to properly brush and floss is crucial, this doesn’t mean that they couldn’t also benefit from getting dental sealants.

What are dental sealants?

These tooth-colored plastic coatings are painted over the chewing surfaces of your child’s back teeth to seal over the crevices where bacteria and food can easily get trapped. By applying these hard, invisible coatings over your child’s teeth, our Edison, NJ, dentists can help prevent cavities in teeth that are more prone to developing decay. Plus, another benefit is that this procedure is completely painless and can even be performed during your child’s next cleaning.

How are sealants placed?

We know that children don’t relish a trip to the dentist, and the idea of needing anesthesia, needles or drills can be downright scary for any child. Fortunately, getting dental sealants is completely painless and non-invasive. No need for needles, dental drills or other intimidating dental tools. The plastic material is painted over the tooth and then quickly hardened in place.

This simple procedure could just end up protecting your child’s molars from cavities. If you are interested in finding out whether your child could benefit from this preventive service then call Frechtman Family Dental in Edison, NJ, today to learn more.

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