The Benefits of Dental Implants

A dental implant replaces a missing tooth as no other prosthetic can. An implant serves as an artificial root and supports a metal post and dental implanta customized porcelain crown. In Edison, Dr. Saul Frechtman and Dr. David Frechtman see many benefits to dental implant placement, accomplishing the entire process--from initial consultation to final restoration--at Frechtman Family Dental of Edison.

When you lose a tooth...

Inevitably, there's a smile gap, and without a tooth replacement, your appearance changes as does your ability to eat and speak properly. But, did you know that tooth extraction begins a sure process of bone and gum degradation as well?

It's true. Without a tooth to fill a socket, the surrounding and supporting tissue shrinks. Within a year, there's a 25 percent decrease in jaw bone mass, width, and height. Losing more teeth multiplies the problem, and the face changes dramatically in shape and skin volume.

Enter dental implants

Your Edison dentist recommends dental implant placement as soon as possible after tooth loss. Installation of a titanium implant screw or cylinder begins a bone-building process called osseointegration. It's unique to dental implants and provides the stability and bone density needed for optimal oral function.

When the implant is fully integrated, Dr. Frechtman bonds on a metal extension post and custom-made porcelain crown. This completes the single-tooth prosthetic, filling the smile gap and allowing for natural speech, biting, and chewing.

As long as you care for your implant properly--brushing, flossing, and getting your semi-annual check-ups and cleanings--you likely will enjoy it for the rest of your life. Conventional prosthetics have a much shorter length of service--about ten years, says the Institute for Dental Implant Awareness. Then, they must be replaced.

Additional benefits of dental implants

Patients love that dental implants:

  • Make them look like themselves again
  • Allow them to enjoy the foods they love
  • Support adjoining natural teeth
  • Are placed during a comfortable procedure
  • Can secure existing dentures or support new bridges or dentures

Your dental implant consultation

It's the best way to understand the process and to know if implants are the right choice for your bone structure and oral health. Confer with Dr. Saul Frechtman or Dr. David Frechtman who will evaluate your jaw bone structure and discuss your tooth replacement preferences with you. Together, you'll arrive at a treatment plan which works wonders for your smile.

Call Frechtman Family Dental of Edison, NJ, today to arrange your consultation at (732) 548-8600.

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