
What is chairside veneer? A tooth colored facing that can be bonded to the tooth to improve the esthetics of a tooth. Whether an old discolored filling, small chip or slightly crooked tooth, a chairside veneer can be placed over the existing tooth with immediate esthetics!

How is it different from a traditional porcelain veneer? There is no lab bill so the cost is reduced significantly and you get immediate results. There is very minimal prepping(drilling) of the tooth and no impressions or temporaries. Chairside veneers are easier to repair.

Do I need to have my teeth drilled or do I need shots? To get the most esthetic outcome, the answer is typically yes but in certain circumstances(position of the teeth) you can get the veneers without numbing or drilling. It is typically determined on a case to case basis.

Can I get chairside veneers if I grind my teeth? Yes you can because the facing is bonded to the front of the tooth. The front of the tooth does not participate in biting so they are safer from “grinders and clenchers”.

What is the approximate cost of a chairside veneer? Cost is ~ ½ the cost of a porcelain lab veneer which is around $600-800/veneer.


How long do chairside veneer last? Much like fillings and traditional veneers, chairside veneers should last around 6-8 years assuming good hygiene and regular checkups.


Talk to Dr.Glasmeier about Chairside veneers!

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