
Overcoming the fear and anxiety to visiting the dentist is quite an accomplishment in of itself! Conquering the first hurdle of going to dentist is quite daunting but then finding someone you can trust and understand (and certainly be able to provide sedation) is another. I get a great deal of questions of how does a patient select the most appropriate/qualified dentist for their dental/sedation needs? I have compiled a list of questions I would encourage you to use when selecting a dentist for your needs:

1. What types of sedation are offered? Do they offer nitrous, oral, IV sedations or general anesthesia?

2. How long has the dentist been providing these services?

3. Where did they receive their training and do they stay updated on the new trends of sedation dentistry?

4. What type of equipment do they used to monitor and are they prepared for emergency situations?

5. Does the dentist have any of the following training:  CPR, ACLS, PALS?

6. Does the dentist belong to DOCS organization (our governing body over dental sedation)?

There are many things to consider when selecting a sedation dentist, but these are the preliminary questions I would recommend you ask the dental office of your choosing to determine if they can provide you the comfort/pain free visit you are seeking!

Happy hunting!


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