
Dr.G, why do you favor IV sedation over oral sedation? Mark S.


Hi Mark,


Great question!! While I like oral sedation and I use it all the time, my biggest concern is patient safety. How many times have you heard of a child, or even an adult for that matter, swallow more pills that they were supposed to. As a result, you have no idea what to predict or how the person react. Some will just make theirself purge or in extreme circumstances have their stomach pumped.


Oral sedation can work well but not necessarily be as predictable in seeing the outcome. Some will barely be sedated, some not all, others will be completely "snowed" over and there are many variables that can determine this: age, height, weight, medical history, male vs female, level of anxiety, etc. Oral sedation works relatively well but I would recommend having your dentist do a test run if you have inadequate results with oral sedation. I, sometimes, will due to a test appointment with the medications with my patient and not do any treatment but more less assess how the patient will respond. Being able to see this helps ascertain what treatment we can do and how much.


Its because of this that I prefer IV sedation, where I have more control over what goes on, and I can reverse the process quickly if I am not happy with how it is going. It tends to be more predictable, faster acting, and ultimately safer. You won't find any oral surgeons who would prefer oral or IV sedation due to the same reasons!


Hope this helps!


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