
Do you or your loved one snore?

Do you suffer from insomnia due to snoring?

Do you wake up feeling drained or constantly fatigue?

Do you ever wake up gasping for air or feel like you are suffocating in your sleep?

Do you have high blood pressure?

Is your neck circumference healthy for your age and weigh?

These are some of the most commonly used questions to assess/diagnose sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a prevalent medical problem that most people are not aware of or familiar with. Talk to your doctor and dentist about your snoring as chronic snoring can lead to issues such as high blood pressure or insomnia. Patients often time are recommended that they undergo a sleep study to determine if sleep apnea is present and if so, to what degree. Depending on the severity, an oral appliance designed by your dentist can be constructed to help open your airway by pushing the lower jaw slightly forward during sleep. The purpose of sliding the jaw forward is to increase airway space which further eliminates airway resistance which leads to snoring.

Talk to your dentist about sleep apnea and snoring!  Dr.Glasmeier

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