
Does Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Procedures for Dental Work?


It varies from insurance company to insurance company and from procedure to procedure. Most dental insurance companies will cover multiple extractions under IV sedation and certain surgical procedures; however, routine dentistry such as cosmetic work and fillings are not typically covered. Insurance companies will also only cover up to a certain amount of time so if you had dental work that would take 3 hours...your insurance company may only be responsible for 1-2 hours leaving the patient responsible for the remaining time.

Talk with your dentist about your coverage and or contact the insurance company. Questions you should ask your insurance company:


1. Is oral, IV, or laughing gas sedation a covered service?

2. If so, are there limitations on sedation based on procedures and amount of

work that is needing to be done?

3. Is there a frequency or time duration limit on the sedation?

4. Do they require preauthorization before treatment is performed?

5. What is my financial responsbility for the sedation portion of the dental work.

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Does Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Procedures?